Monument record IPS 683 - Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich.
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Grid reference | Centred TM 1654 4383 (137m by 174m) |
Map sheet | TM14SE |
Type and Period (25)
- PIT (Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 849 AD)
- PIT (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 12th century - 900 AD to 1100 AD)
- DITCH (Medieval to IPS: Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
- CHURCH (Late Saxon - 850 AD to 1065 AD)
- CHURCHYARD (Late Saxon - 850 AD to 1065 AD)
- POTTERY KILN (Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 849 AD)
- INHUMATION (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 750 AD)
- CEMETERY (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 750 AD)
- WELL (Middle Saxon to Late Saxon - 650 AD to 1065 AD)
- GRAVE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 750 AD)
- RING DITCH (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 750 AD)
- ROUND BARROW (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 750 AD)
- POST HOLE (Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 849 AD)
- STRUCTURE (Middle Saxon - 650 AD to 849 AD)
- DITCH (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 12th century - 900 AD to 1100 AD)
- FEATURE (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 12th century - 900 AD to 1100 AD)
- PIT (Medieval to IPS: Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
- POST HOLE (Medieval to IPS: Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
- GRAVE (Late Saxon - 850 AD to 1065 AD)
- POST HOLE (Undated)
- PIT (Undated)
- DITCH (18th century to 19th century - 1700 AD to 1899 AD)
- SHIPYARD (18th century - 1700 AD to 1799 AD)
- COOPERAGE (19th century - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
Full Description
2005: Desk Based Assessment, (S5).
2001: Desk Based Assessment, (S6).
2011: Evaluation (IPS 643, recorded here) identified ditches, pits and finds dating to the Middle and Late Saxon periods and a Medieval cemetery(S1, S4).
2012: Full excavation (issued number IPS 683) revealed a late 7th/early 8th century cemetery including 7 small ring ditches (one with a sword and glass 'palm cup') and 11 inhumation burials with few grave goods , suggesting a relatively late transitional pagan/christian date. Also an Ipswich ware kiln and numerous Middle Saxon pits, wells,and post holes from structures are found across the site. Norman church of St Augustine (replacing earlier timber structure) and remainder of cemetery (at least 1000 burials) and numerous medieval and Saxon features. Medieval occupation traces across the whole site but concentrated close to Whip Street. The church was robbed of its stone after 1484 when last mentioned and replaced by the King's Cooperage in the 17th century and then a shipyard in the 18th century. The Union workhouse (replaced by malthouses by 1904) was constructed at the south end of the site and the New Cut excavated (1839-42) along the eastern boundary of the site.
Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2012 (S10).
There is also a significant number of Terminal Palaeolithic "long blades" as well as Mesolithic to Iron Age flint material. Mostly residusal in other features, (S8, S9).
Final report forthcoming, summary in (S3, S2).
See also IPS 144, IPS 476, IPS 860, IPS 861
St Augustines churchyard, 1312
St Austins church, 1311.
An evaluation in advance of development located an apparently unrecorded graveyard, thought to be related to the missing St Augustine’s/St Austin’s Church, in the N part of the site. Nearby pits and ditches apparently date to the middle and late Saxon periods. These incised features appear to occupy much of the middle and E portion of the site, while the S part of the site appears to have a less dense concentration of archaeological features, although an inhumation identified in this area could possibly be an outlier of another unrecorded graveyard – possibly a pauper’s graveyard connected to the workhouse or the medieval hospital that occupied land to the S of the development site.
Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2011 (S11).
Sources/Archives (11)
- <S1> SSF54690 Unpublished document: Cass S. 2011. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich.
- <S2> SSF57346 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 2012. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 83.
- <S3> SSF53639 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 2012. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 82.
- <S4> SSF55374 Article in serial: Brown, A., Martin, E.A. & Plouviez, J.. 2012. Archaeology in Suffolk 2011. XXXXII (4).
- <S5> SSF52214 Unpublished document: Gardner, R.. 2005. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Bolenda/Graham Group/Whip Street Motors, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
- <S6> SSF53762 Unpublished document: Gardner R, Sommers M & Breen A. 2010. Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, 9-11, Great Whip Street, Ipswich.
- <S7> SSF57771 Index: Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service. Ipswich Documentary Card index.
- <S8> SSF59354 Bibliographic reference: Billington, L, P.. 2016. Lithic Scatters and Landscape Occupation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic: A Case Study from Eastern England.. P 193.
- <S9> SSF59766 Unpublished document: Bishop, Barry. 2015. Archaeological Excavations at Stoke Quay, Ipswich. Site Code IPS683, Struck Flint Publication text.
- <S10> SSF55626 Article in serial: Martin, E.A. & Plouviez, J.. 2013. Archaeology in Suffolk 2012. XXXXIII (1).
- <S11> SSF55374 Article in serial: Brown, A., Martin, E.A. & Plouviez, J.. 2012. Archaeology in Suffolk 2011. XXXXII (4).
Finds (39)
- FSF36270: POTTERY IPSWICH (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF36271: POTTERY THETFORD (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 12th century - 850 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF36272: CATERPILLAR BROOCH (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF36273: HANDLE (Late Saxon - 850 AD to 1065 AD)
- FSF36274: ANIMAL REMAINS (Undated)
- FSF36276: HUMAN REMAINS (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF38111: POTTERY (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF38112: SWORD (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF38113: PALM CUP (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF44205: POTTERY (19th century - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- FSF44206: POTTERY (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF44207: POTTERY EARLY MEDIEVAL (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 13th century - 1000 AD to 1200 AD)
- FSF44208: POTTERY ST NEOTS (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 13th century - 900 AD to 1200 AD)
- FSF44209: SLAG (Undated)
- FSF44210: TEGULA (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF44211: TILE (19th century - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- FSF44212: ROOF TILE (Medieval to IPS: Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF44213: FIRED CLAY (Middle Saxon to Late Saxon - 650 AD to 1065 AD)
- FSF44214: HUMAN REMAINS (IPS: Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Medieval - 800 AD to 1066 AD)
- FSF44215: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING) (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF44216: BOTTLE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF44218: NAIL (Undated)
- FSF44219: BURNT FLINT (Undated)
- FSF52101: LONG BLADE (Terminal Palaeolithic (Ahrensburgian, Long Blade) - 9700 BC to 9400 BC)
- FSF52102: BRUISED BLADE (Terminal Palaeolithic (Ahrensburgian, Long Blade) - 9700 BC to 9400 BC)
- FSF52104: FLAKE (Terminal Palaeolithic (Ahrensburgian, Long Blade) - 9700 BC to 9400 BC)
- FSF52105: FLAKE (Star Carr Type Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age - 9000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF52106: FLAKE (Late Neolithic - 3000 BC to 2351 BC)
- FSF52107: FLAKE (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 701 BC)
- FSF52108: BLADE (Star Carr Type Mesolithic to Early Neolithic - 9000 BC to 3001 BC)
- FSF52109: SINGLE PLATFORM BLADE CORE (Star Carr Type Mesolithic to Early Neolithic - 9000 BC to 3001 BC)
- FSF52110: RETOUCHED FLAKE (Early Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF52111: FLAKE (Middle Bronze Age to Late Iron Age - 1600 BC to 42 AD)
- FSF52112: CORE TOOL (Star Carr Type Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age - 9000 BC to 701 BC)
- FSF52113: CORE (Star Carr Type Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age - 9000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF52114: CORE (Middle Bronze Age to Late Iron Age - 1600 BC to 42 AD)
- FSF52115: END SCRAPER (Star Carr Type Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age - 9000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF52116: CRESTED BLADE (Terminal Palaeolithic (Ahrensburgian, Long Blade) - 9700 BC to 9400 BC)
- FSF52207: BLADE (Terminal Palaeolithic (Ahrensburgian, Long Blade) - 9700 BC to 9400 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (6)
- Parent of: EVALUATION, STOKE QUAY, IPSWICH (Monument) (IPS 643)
- Parent of: Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7501). (Monument) (IPS 144)
- Parent of: Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7503). (Monument) (IPS 861)
- Parent of: Ipswich Malting Co. Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7502). (Monument) (IPS 860)
- Parent of: Kings Cooperidge and later Shipyard, Ipswich. (Monument) (IPS 270)
- Parent of: Site of Ipswich Union Workhouse, Felaw Street, Ipswich. (Monument) (IPS 476)
Related Events/Activities (7)
- Event - Survey: Desk Based Assessment, 9-11, Great Whip Street, Ipswich. (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-72933) (ESF20778)
- Event - Survey: Desk Based Assessment, Bolenda/Graham Group/Whip Street Motors site, Stoke Quay, Ipswich, 2005 (Ref: 2005) (ESF20720)
- Event - Interpretation: Enhancement of the Suffolk HER for the Palaeolithic & Mesolithic Periods (ESF26899)
- Event - Intervention: Evaluation, Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-103666) (ESF21711)
- Archaeological Deposit: Evaluation, Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-103666) (ESF25058)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation, Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich (ESF25057)
- Event - Interpretation: Ipswich UAD, Documentary Search (ESF25673)
Record last edited
Nov 12 2024 11:37AM