Source/Archive record SSF55626 - Archaeology in Suffolk 2012
Title | Archaeology in Suffolk 2012 |
Author/Originator | Martin, E.A. & Plouviez, J. |
Date/Year | 2013 |
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History | XXXXIII (1) |
Referenced Monuments (129)
- BTT 004 Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
- BSE 392 24 Out Risbygate, St Peter's Hospital cemetery (Monument)
- HGH 052 A Romano-British Kiln and features, Early Saxon Burial and Multi-Period Ditches at Chilton Leys, Stowmarket (Monument)
- FEX 057 Adjacent to Trimley St Mary 9 (Monument)
- IPS 699 Alderwood PRU Centre, Ipswich. (Monument)
- BRF 150 Anglo Saxon coin (PAS find)
- YAX 033 BA artefact scatter (PAS find)
- MDS 185 Babb's Lane, Mendlesham, (Mesolithic) (PAS find)
- BLB 081 Blythburgh Priory (Monument)
- EUN 035 Brick kilns and wash pits at Wash Pits Field, Bardwell Road, Euston, Suffolk (Monument)
- BSM 054 Bures St Mary (Monument)
- CLY 031 Burnside, Paper Mill Lane, Claydon, Suffolk (Monument)
- BRH 054 Cemetery associated with the local pesthouse (Monument)
- LXD 032 Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)
- CLA 008 Clare Castle (Med) (Monument)
- CLA 037 Clare Priory Church (Monument)
- ADT 003 Copper-alloy artefact scatter (PAS find)
- TCK 022 Copper-alloy buckle-plate (PAS find)
- FNN 021 Copper-alloy cruciform brooch (PAS find)
- BML 060 Copper-alloy D-shaped buckle (PAS find)
- BRK 140 Copper-alloy decorative strap mount (PAS find)
- THE 039 Copper-alloy fragment of a cheekpiece and half a copper-alloy mirror case (PAS find)
- OUS 017 Copper-alloy gilded pendant (PAS find)
- COP 022 Copper-alloy mount (PAS find)
- WAM 020 Copper-alloy side looped spearhead (PAS find)
- FKM 050 Copper-alloy small-long brooch (PAS find)
- PTR 030 Copper-alloy socketed axe (PAS find)
- STT 083 Copper-alloy stirrup-strap mount (PAS find)
- CHT 021 Early Saxon pit and three Medieval/Post-Medieval ditches. Land at County Farm, Church Field Road. Chilton (Monument)
- HMY 025 Enclosures and linear features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- IPS 658 Ex-Crane site, Nacton Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
- RGH 095 Flint barbed and tanged arrowhead (PAS find)
- DRK 033 Former Cherry Tree PH and Adjacent Land, Gedding Road, Drinkstone (Monument)
- COL 009 GBMA (Rom) (PAS find)
- LKH 344 Half Moon Public House, Lakenheath (Monument)
- LKH 344 Half Moon Public House, Lakenheath (Monument)
- HAM 006 Henham Hall (site of) (Monument)
- HAM 015 Henham Hall (site of) (Monument)
- RGD 015 Icenian silver coin (PAS find)
- FOS 043 Incomplete flint axe (PAS find)
- FSF 072 Iron Age and Roman metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- HTT 024 Iron Age gold starter (PAS find)
- ERL 222 Iron Age pits and ditches, Land off of Lords Walk, Eriswell (Monument)
- HRM 014 Iron Age silver coins (PAS find)
- AKE 037 Iron Age, Roman, and Saxon finds scatter (PAS find)
- FNN 026 Iron-Age iron spearhead and medieval lead seal matrix (PAS find)
- BED 027 Land Adjacent to Daisy Cottage, Long Green, Bedfield (Monument)
- BED 025 Land Adjacent to The Old Rectory, Long Green, Bedfield (Monument)
- LWT 188 Land North To The Hubbards Loke, Gunton, Lowestoft, Suffolk (Monument)
- BSM 061 Land south of Friends Field, Bures St. Mary (Monument)
- PFM 020 Land South of Hillingdon House, Purdis Avenue, Purdis Farm, Suffolk (Monument)
- NKT 043 Land to rear of Newmarket High Street, Suffolk (PMed) (Monument)
- NKT 043 Land to rear of Newmarket High Street, Suffolk (Preh) (Monument)
- CAC 049 Land west of Carlton Hall, Carlton Colville (Monument)
- SUE 113 Land west of Lodge Farm, Sudbourne (Monument)
- ORF 146 Lead seal matrix (PAS find)
- SDG 035 Lead seal matrix (PAS find)
- LMD 192 Long Melford Primary School (Monument)
- DUN 106 Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich (Monument)
- HRT 029 Meadowcroft, Poorhouse Hill, Hartest, Suffolk (Monument)
- MNL 674 Medieval and post-medieval features and buildings 16 Mill Street, Mildenhall (Monument)
- FRK 101 Medieval animal burial and features at Cornerstones (Monument)
- BSE 290 Medieval Cellar and 18th century workhouse foundations, 57-59 College Street; Jesus College (Monument)
- BNH 075 Medieval ditch, Barnham (Monument)
- BSE 390 Medieval features, Land of Risbygate Street and Nelson Road, Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
- DUN 110 Medieval Precinct wall with 18th to 20th century additions at Dunwich Greyfriars, Dunwich (Monument)
- BKY 035 Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
- WGN 049 Medieval settlement activity on land at Freckenham Road, Worlington (Monument)
- LKH 178 Metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- IPS 707 Mixed use development, Grafton Way, Ipswich. (Monument)
- HGH 018 Multi period artefact scatter (PAS find)
- BRK 129 Multi period metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- CAM 059 Multi period metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- NYW 036 Nayland (Monument)
- BSM 051 Neolithic Artefact scatter, RK 11 (1 & 2) (PAS find)
- MKE 039 Neolithic polished axe (PAS find)
- CUL 051 New All-weather hockey pitch and Tennis courts, Culford School, Culford (Monument)
- GSG 040 New toilet drains, Gislingham Church (Monument)
- BRF 193 Outline Record- Roman and Medieval Pottery Test Pitting, Bramford, 2012 (Monument)
- ERL 225 OUTLINE RECORD: IA, Roman and Anglo-Saxon occupation and Burials USAF WORKS - 2012 EXC (SCCAS) (Monument)
- FLN 091 OUTLINE RECORD: Prehistoric and Roman activity at FLIXTON QUARRY EXTENSION - EXC (SB) (Monument)
- SBN 096 OUTLINE RECORD: prehistoric to the post-medieval occupation Testpitting 2012 (Monument)
- HGM 023 OUTLINE RECORD: prehistoric worked flints and multiperiod pottery FIELDWALKING MARCH 2012 (Monument)
- ERL 228 OUTLINE RECORD: Roman Burial and Prehistoric and undated ditches, FOUL DRAINAGE REPLACEMENT (Monument)
- CHL 058 OUTLINE RECORD:Medieval Pit, post medieval pit and post and gully and undated post-hole. RECTORY GARDEN - EVAL (CATUK) (Monument)
- NKT 041 Palace House Stables Basement (Monument)
- NKT 032 Palace House Stables, Newmarket (Monument)
- LDG 020 Polished flint axe (PAS find)
- FEX 299 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument)
- MNL 678 Possible prehistoric or Roman features at Lincoln Road (Monument)
- WBY 027 Post medieval pit, Wilby (Monument)
- BSE 390 Post-medieval features, Land of Risbygate Street and Nelson Road, Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
- MRM 144 Post-medieval finds, Middle Bronze Age flint tools and burnt flints, Land between Main Road and Felixstowe Road (Monument)
- BTT 004 Pound Farm, seal matrix (Monument)
- CLA 071 Richmond House, Clare (Monument)
- BDG 010 Roman and medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
- SUT 022 Roman and Saxon metalwork (PAS find)
- ASG 022 Roman and Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- CAC 051 Roman detector finds in Carlton Colville (PAS find)
- RBY 044 Roman ditch, The Old Rectory, Risby (Monument)
- HTT 023 Roman metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- ESO 018 Roman road, post holes and finds on Land off The Street, Earl Soham (Monument)
- CDD 074 Roman Roadline and post medieval trackways at Coddenham (Monument)
- RBY 035 Saxon and medieval metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- WHL 031 Saxon and mediveal metalwork scatter (Find Spot)
- LDG 017 Saxon and Roman metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- CRM 070 Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- BRG 082 Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- MNL 450 Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- RBY 046 Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- BTT 031 Seal matrix (PAS find)
- WCB 071 Silver sceat (PAS find)
- FEX 294 South Seafront and Martello Tower P, Felixstowe (Monument)
- IPS 643 Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich. (Monument)
- HTC 026 The Hobbets (site of) (Monument)
- SXM 026 The Old Auction House (Building)
- SUY 108 The Old Rising Sun, 7 Plough Lane, Sudbury (Monument)
- BDG 010 Thin Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
- BSE 378 Thingoe House, Bury St Edmunds, (Medieval-Post Medieval) (Monument)
- IPS 664 Thomas Wolsey School, Ipswich. (Monument)
- SUY 117 Undated Ditch and feature at Harp Close Meadow, Sudbury (Monument)
- BSE 414 Undated pit and post-medieval wall, Unit 36, Eastern Way, Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
- WHA 003 Whitehouse Farm (Med) (Monument)
- SUY 109 Woodhall Primary School, Sudbury (Monument)
- WGN 047 Worlington Quarry, Worlington (Monument)
- LWT 179 WWII ARP and Cold War control centre, Normanston Drive (Building)
- LWT 179 WWII ARP and Cold War control centre, Normanston Drive (Building)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF30178 Excavation - Manor Farm, Coddenham
Record last edited
Oct 15 2024 3:07PM