Monument record BSE 026 - East Close, Bury St Edmunds (Medieval-Post Medieval, with Mesolithic).

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Two medieval houses and a less substantial short-lived early post-medieval building were revealed during excavation, along with large post-medieval pits, ovens or wells.


Grid reference Centred TL 8622 6462 (117m by 54m)
Map sheet TL86SE


Type and Period (26)

Full Description

1991-1994: Three phases of excavation revealed evidence for the medieval and early post-medieval occupation of this area on the eastern edge of Bury St Edmunds. Two medieval houses were identified, and a less substantial short-lived early post-medieval building was also found. All were on the Eastgate Street frontage and extended beyond the northern limits of excavation. A large number of rubbish pits were excavated, and the presence of very large pits in the post-medieval period made the earlier evidence difficult to interpret. It is also likely that part of the area south of the western building had been cut away following its demolition, removing traces of the rear wall of the structure. In addition to the pits, a number of features were interpreted as wells or ovens. There is some evidence for small-scale industrial use of the site during the late medieval and early post-medieval period. The purpose of the ovens is uncertain, but evidence was found for ferrous and non-ferrous metalworking, leather working and possibly malting. The number of wells exceeds the number of buildings on the site, and it is possible that these may also have an industrial function or that they served earlier houses the traces of which have been lost. A gully containing sherds of St Neots ware and three sherds of flint filled BA/IA pottery was seen. The fill of this feature was distinguishable from the other medieval and post-medieval features on the site. 68 prehistoric flints were recovered, including a possible Mesolithic element. In addition, 21 sherds of (redeposited) Roman pottery were recovered as well as 1 small sherd of Early Saxon handmade pottery, 2 sherds Ipswich ware, 3 sherds Thetford ware and 3 sherds of St Neots ware (all redeposited?) (S1)(S2).

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Anderson, S.. 1996. A Report on the Archaeological Excavations 1991-1994, East Close, Bury St Edmunds.
  • <M1> (No record type): Excavation archive.
  • <S1> Article in serial: Martin, E.A., Pendleton, C. & Plouviez, J.. 1995. Archaeology in Suffolk 1994. XXXVIII (3).

Finds (71)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (4)

Record last edited

Jan 9 2020 1:42PM

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