Source/Archive record SSF50113 - Air Photograph - OS
Title | Air Photograph - OS |
Author/Originator | OS |
Date/Year |
Ordnance Survey
Referenced Monuments (127)
- STU 018 ? Small irregular enclosure to the N of the adjacent field system, STU 010. (Monument)
- STU 076 A probable Post Medieval field boundary is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs to the north-west of Stutton Farm House, Stutton (Monument)
- WGW 018 Aerial photograph shows three sides of a possible small subrectangular enclosure, fourth side along road. (Monument)
- RLG 005 Aerial Photographs showing complex of soilmarks/cropmarks, possibly of irregular moated form. (Monument)
- RLG 005 Aerial Photographs showing complex of soilmarks/cropmarks, possibly of irregular moated form. (Monument)
- STU 044 Alton Hall Farm; Walkgate Cottages. (Monument)
- ASP 008 Aspall Green (Monument)
- BNC 043 Benacre Broad (Monument)
- BLY 012 Blyford Hall (Monument)
- FML 006 Boundary Farm (Monument)
- SSH 011 Broad but relatively poorly defined ring ditch cropmark of circa 25m diameter. (Monument)
- HXN 035 Broome Farm; Reading Green (Monument)
- BUH 021 Brundish/Tannington Parish Boundary (Monument)
- FNM 003 Burnt House Farm (Un) (Monument)
- BRG 052 Bury St Edmunds to Great Livermere Roman-Medieval Road (Monument)
- LXD 039 Cake Street (Monument)
- WBY 012 Chestnut Lodge (Monument)
- STU 041 Church Field Rd. (Monument)
- STU 040 Church Field Road (Monument)
- STU 043 Church Field Road (Monument)
- DEP 013 Circular enclosure or large ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BLB 063 Concentric ring ditch crop mark of unknown date. (Monument)
- TDM 024 Cropmark of 2 sides of possible rectilinear enclosure. Also elongated ?pit to the north. (Monument)
- SPL 026 Cropmark of a polygonal enclosure with a possible entrance to SE side and about 60m E-W by 50m N-S. (Monument)
- BLB 065 Cropmark of a possible Bronze-Age round barrow. (Monument)
- AST 013 Cropmark of oval enclosure/ring ditch. (Monument)
- SNP 038 Cropmark of part rectangular enclosure in low lying field by River Fromus. (Monument)
- RNM 011 Cropmark of possible ring ditch. (Monument)
- PKM 050 Cropmark of rectangular enclosure(?) circa 25m by 35m. Shows as blank area within natural tiger-patterning on field. (Monument)
- THB 011 Cropmark of ring ditch, possibly a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- PKM 049 Cropmark of roughly oval enclosure, circa 35m by 30m. (Monument)
- WBY 013 Cropmark of sub-rectangular enclosure, circa 50m by 40m. (Monument)
- PRH 018 Cropmark of three sides of subsquare enclosure/moat with possible remnants of second enclosure to west. (Monument)
- SXG 013 Cropmarks of possible pit alignment, Great Saxham (Monument)
- WGD 020 Cropmarks showing double ditched trackway or boundary. (Monument)
- ASP 007 Cropmarks showing edge of possible crofts. (Monument)
- WBY 011 Cropmarks showing three ditches along line of parish boundary, between Wilby & Worlingworth. (Monument)
- STU 010 Curving trackway with a number of field boundaries to the E. (Monument)
- THD 020 Dairy Farm (Monument)
- FRD 016 Double ditched, dog-legged trackway of unknown date. (Monument)
- BEL 028 Dower House (Monument)
- FNM 012 Drove road and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- SEC 054 Early field system and trackways indicated by cropmarks. (Monument)
- REY 045 Easton Marshes (Monument)
- HLM 025 Elms Farm (Monument)
- GAZ 023 Enclosure, unknown date (Monument)
- BRG 029 Field boundary and trackway of unknown date, visible as linear cropmarks. (Monument)
- IKN 018 Field boundary of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BUT 031 Field system and double-ditched trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- FNM 013 Field system of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BUT 030 Field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- CHF 015 Former field enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BXF 016 Former trackway and possibly bridge of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- BNT 030 Four tofts of uknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BRR 035 Great Papeley (Monument)
- BRR 035 Great Papeley (Monument)
- MCK 006 Greenwood Farm (Monument)
- RGD 010 Grove Farm, Ringsfield Common (Monument)
- THB 018 Harrow Farm, Harrow Lane (Monument)
- MRM 064 Hill Farm (Monument)
- BSG 017 Hollocks Grove (Monument)
- MNL 129 Holywell Drove, Beck Row (Un) (Monument)
- BRG 030 Irregular 'kidney-shaped' enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BNC 041 Irregular, small enclsoure/s of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- COK 039 Irrelgular enclosure, roughly hexagonal shaped of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- EYE 055 Large 'semi-circular' irregular ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BLB 039 Large Bronze-Age ring ditch or circular enclosure with opening to the North-east. (Monument)
- LSY 001 Lindsey Castle : The Mounts (Monument)
- BUT 033 Long narrow field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- KSS 062 Manor Farm (Monument)
- FSF 051 Medieval moat shown as a cropmark (Monument)
- KNN 017 Medieval sub-rectangular moat, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- WBY 010 Moat Farm (Monument)
- BSE 203 Mount Road (Monument)
- EBV 043 North End Warren (Monument)
- MRF 010 Off Barn (Monument)
- PKM 051 Pakenham Manor (Monument)
- ONW 015 Pennanular ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- HLM 024 Pettaugh Lane (Monument)
- SBK 024 Pixey Green (Monument)
- HTC 058 Ploughed out round mound of unknown date, visible as a pale cropmark. (Monument)
- MDS 002 Pond Field (OS 609/560) (Monument)
- CRT 022 Possible Medieval moat, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BRG 031 Post Medieval road or trackway linking existing roads. (Monument)
- SCV 015 Pottersbridge Marshes (Monument)
- IKN 017 Probable Bronze Age ring ditch on Iken Heath (Monument)
- BUT 032 Rectangular enclosure and possible moat, visible as earthworks. (Monument)
- HGM 011 Rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
- HXN 034 Rectangular plot, probably toft of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- HGM 009 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
- COW 025 Red Dock Lane (Monument)
- SFF 013 Ring ditch cropmark circa 30m diameter. (Monument)
- ELO 008 Ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- KCC 028 Ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- HXN 033 Ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- HGM 006 Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
- HGM 005 Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
- SSM 004 Ring ditch or small circular enclosure, circa 200 feet diameter at end of cursus (SSM 003). (Monument)
- SSM 002 Ring ditch, diameter 90 feet, at end of cursus (SSM 003). (Monument)
- HGM 008 Semi circular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
- AST 014 Series of Post Medieval linear inter-related ditches in a low lying area beside the river Deben. (Monument)
- WMH 021 Site of a possible Mill Mound Earthwork (Monument)
- HGM 012 Small rectangular enclosure with central feature, of unknown date. (Monument)
- FRD 015 Small ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BSC 015 Small sub-rectangular enclosure, farmstead and toft, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- SNP 043 Snape Warren (Monument)
- SNP 041 Snape Warren (Monument)
- SNP 042 Snape Warren (Monument)
- HRT 020 Somerton Road (Monument)
- BEG 018 South East of Cherry Tree Farm (Monument)
- DEN 003 Square enclosure of unknown date on parish boundary. (Monument)
- HLM 026 Sub-rectangular enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- SUT 111 Sutton Walks (Monument)
- WGD 021 The Slades (Monument)
- KCC 029 Three sides of a possible square enclosure, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BUT 029 Three sides of a subrectangular enclosure of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- BSG 018 Toft of unknown date, visible as a small rectangular cropmark. (Monument)
- WCB 057 Town Lane (Monument)
- DNN 039 Triple ditches along the parish boundary, of unknown date. (Monument)
- HLN 006 Two probable parallel field boundaries within an existing larger field of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- CHF 014 Two sides of a possible enclosure with rounded corner of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- BLB 066 Undated earthwork mound, possible round barrow (Monument)
- WLP 012 Walnut Tree Farm (Monument)
- WLB 065 Westwood Marshes (Monument)
- SBK 022 Wilby Hall (Monument)
- SBK 023 Wilby Hall (Monument)
- RAY 019 Woodlands Road (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Aug 15 2016 8:50AM