Site Event/Activity record ESF23373 - Evaluation - Bury PZ - Barnham Cross to Little Welnetham Treated Water Main
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Location | Bury PZ – Barnham Cross to Little Welnetham Treated Water Main |
Grid reference | Centred TL 9074 7010 (8604m by 19507m) (206 map features) |
Map sheet | TL97SW |
NPS Archaeology
Not recorded.
An archaeological evaluation was conducted prior to the construction of a pipeline from Barnham Water Treatment Works to Little Whelnetham Reservoir. The evaluation consisted of 181 trenches, measuring 40m long by 1.8m wide. This provided an approximate 5% sample of the route. Five additional trenches were planned to be excavated but due to access difficulties and potential danger these trenches remained unexcavated. Over the course of the four months the fieldwork took place, the site conditions varied from clear to heavy snow and rain.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future Not known
Associated Identifiers:
HER event no. BNH077-BNH097
HER event no. BRG056-BRG070
HER event no. EUN040-EUN046
HER event no. BAR100-BAR083
HER event no. FKM036-FKM049
HER event no. IXW085-IXW092
HER event no. PKM066-PKM087
HER event no. RBK025-RBK036
HER event no. RGH057
HER event no. RGH069-RGH074
HER event no. SAP015-SAP018
HER event no. WLL009
Project Type: Field evaluation
Development Type: Pipelines/cables (e.g. gas, electric, telephone, TV cable, water, sewage, drainage etc.)
Methods and Techniques: ''Sample Trenches''
Position in the Planning Process: Not known / Not recorded
Reason for Investigation: National Planning Policy Framework - NPPF
Site status: None
Current Land use: Cultivated Land 3 - Operations to a depth more than 0.25m
Area 29 Kilometres
Grid References: TL86438077 Line, TL89636027 Line
Brief originator: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Services
Design originator: David Whitmore
Director/Manager: david whitmore
Supervisor: Peter Crawley
Recipient: NPS Archaeology
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Glass', 'Human Bones', 'Industrial', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Images vector', 'Spreadsheets', 'Survey', 'Text'
Recipient: Suffolk County Council
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Glass', 'Human Bones', 'Industrial', 'Metal', 'Stratigraphic', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Media: 'Context sheet', 'Photograph', 'Plan', 'Report', 'Section'
Recipient: Suffolk County Council
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Glass', 'Human Bones', 'Industrial', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation, on the Route of Anglian Water Bury PZ - Barnham Cross to Little Welnetham Treated Water Main
Author(s)/Editor(s): Crawley, P.
Other Bibliographic Details: Report 2956
Date: 2013
Issuer/Publisher: NPS Archaeology
Place of Issue or Publication: Noriwch
Description: A4 paper, colour-printed, spiral bound, two volumes; pdf
Sources/Archives (1)
- <S1> SSF55975 Unpublished document: Crawley, P.. 2014. Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation, on the route of Anglian Water Bury PZ - Barnham Cross to Little Welnetham Treated Water Main.
Related Monuments/Buildings (125)
- BNH 083 Single undated pit AW PIPELINE - Trench 16 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 087 A large hollow with Roman pottery AW PIPELINE Trench 113 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 094 A medieval ditch and an undated ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 77 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 041 A post-medieval hollow or large pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 45 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 090 A post-medieval pit and ditch and a number of undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 9 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 047 A single prehistoric ditch, AW PIPELINE - Trench 39 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 046 A single prehistoric hollow/pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 40 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 078 A single undated ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 22 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 049 A single undated pit or ditch terminal: AW PIPELINE - Trench 37 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 097 Alluvial layers and medieval pottery AW PIPELINE - Trench 74 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 073 Archaeological features of various dates, AW PIPELINE Trench 159 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 083 AW PIPELINE - Trench 069, 70, 71, 82, 83, (85 and 86 not excavated), 90, 91 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BNH 077 AW PIPELINE - Trench 021 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BNH 085 AW PIPELINE - Trench 14 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BNH 082 AW PIPELINE - Trench 17 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BNH 095 AW PIPELINE - Trench 4 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- SAP 017 AW PIPELINE - Trench 56 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- SAP 015 AW PIPELINE - Trench 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 (not excavated) 67, (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BAR 098 AW PIPELINE - Trench 73 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- FKM 036 AW PIPELINE - Trenches 046, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- PKM 066 AW PIPELINE - Trenches 133, 136 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- EUN 040 AW PIPELINE - Trenches 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BRG 056 AW PIPELINE -Trenches 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 NPS (Revoked Record)
- BRG 063 AW PIPELINE Trench 149 NPS (Revoked Record)
- IXW 085 AW PIPELINE Trench 92 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- RGH 067 AW PIPELINE Trenches 169, 171, 172. 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- WLL 009 AW PIPELINE Trenches 186, 187 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- BNH 092 Bronze / Iron Age Pit and undated ditch: AW PIPELINE - Trench 7 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 100 Bronze Age / Iron Age pit - Trench 68 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 087 Bronze Age ditch: AW PIPELINE - Trench 12 (NPS) (Monument)
- EUN 041 Bronze Age pit: AW PIPELINE - Trench 36 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 078 Ditch with two goat skeletons AW PIPELINE Trench 123 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 070 Early Bronze Age pit and undated post hole AW PIPELINE Trench 177 (NPS) (Monument)
- EUN 046 Four worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 23 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BAR 091 Iron Age pit and post-medieval ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 80 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 069 Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age features AW PIPELINE Trench 176 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 095 Late Saxon - medieval features and a possible Roman ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 76 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 061 Negative evaluation trench for AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 153 NPS (Revoked Record)
- BRG 060 Negative evaluation trench for AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 154 NPS (Revoked Record)
- BRG 059 Negative evaluation trench for AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 155 NPS (Revoked Record)
- PKM 084 Negative evaluation trench for AW PIPELINE Trench 116 (Revoked Record)
- RBK 030 Parallel ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 168 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 082 Pit containing fragments of Medieval tile AW PIPELINE Trench 118 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 028 Possible Post Medieval field boundary AW PIPELINE Trench 173 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 077 Post medieval and undated post holes AW PIPELINE Trench 124 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 089 Post Medieval ditch AW PIPELINE -Trench 10 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 074 Post medieval ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 128 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 091 Post medieval ditch: AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 94 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 090 Post-medieval ditch : AW PIPELINE - Trench 81 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 068 Post-medieval pit -AW PIPELINE Trench 144 NPS (Monument)
- BAR 099 Post-medieval pit : AW PIPELINE - Trench 72 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 071 Post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 161 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 034 Post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 164 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 069 Post-medieval plough scars - AW PIPELINE Trench 143 NPS (Monument)
- PKM 071 Prehistoric ditch and a post-medieval ditch: AW PIPELINE Trench 132 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 045 Prehistoric layer and pit, also an undated ditch and gully, AW PIPELINE - Trench 41 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 081 Prehistoric pit AW PIPELINE Trench 119 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 088 Prehistoric pit or gully terminal AW PIPELINE - Trench 11 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 027 Probable Prehistoric ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 175 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 087 Roman and undated features: AW PIPELINE - Trench 88 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 086 Roman ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 114 (Monument)
- PKM 075 Roman ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 126 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 038 Roman, Saxon and undated features: AW PIPELINE - Trench 048A (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 065 Saxon - medieval ditch and two undated ditches - AW PIPELINE Trench 147 NPS (Monument)
- RGH 072 Saxon-medieval and post-medieval features: AW PIPELINE Trench 160 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 079 Scatter of iron nails and post medieval roof tile AW PIPELINE Trench 122 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 086 Scraper and a flake, AW PIPELINE Trench 13 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- FKM 043 Single Iron Age gully, AW PIPELINE - Trench 43 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 097 Single Iron Age Pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 2 (NPS) (Monument)
- SAP 016 Single large post-medieval pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 55 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 026 Single Post Medieval ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 184 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 094 Single post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE -Trench 5 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 036 Single pre post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 162 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 033 Single pre post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 165 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 057 Single probably natural pit like feature, AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 157 NPS (Monument)
- PKM 069 Single undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 137 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 044 Single undated ditch, AW PIPELINE - Trench 42 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 074 Single undated ditch, AW PIPELINE Trench 158 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 039 Single undateded ditch: AW PIPELINE - Trench 048 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 081 Single worked flint AW PIPELINE -Trench 18 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- PKM 085 Six undated pits AW PIPELINE Trench 115 (NPS) (Monument)
- EUN 044 Six worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 25 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- EUN 042 Six worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 27 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- FKM 048 Six worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 38 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- FKM 042 Three undated linear features, AW PIPELINE - Trench 44 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 040 Three undateded ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 047 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 070 Three worked flints - AW PIPELINE Trench 135 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BNH 080 Three worked flints and a core, AW PIPELINE - Trench 19 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BNH 084 Three worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 15 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BRG 066 Two ditches of Saxon to medieval date - AW PIPELINE Trench 146 NPS (Monument)
- BNH 091 Two graves of Saxon to medieval data and a pit/ditch of prehistoic date AW PIPELINE - Trench 8 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 093 Two Iron Age ditches and two undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 78 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 025 Two Post Medieval field boundary ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 185 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 035 Two pre post-medieval features, AW PIPELINE Trench 163 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 079 Two prehistoric features and three undated features, AW PIPELINE - Trench 20 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 092 Two prehistoric post holes: AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 93 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 080 Two sherds of prehistoric pottery and a single worked flint, AW PIPELINE Trench 134 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BAR 096 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 75 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 092 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 79 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 086 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 112 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 093 Two undated ditches probably pre post-medieval in date, AW PIPELINE - Trench 6 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 089 Two undated ditches: AW PIPELINE - Trench 84 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 096 Two undated pits, AW PIPELINE Trench 3 (NPS) (Monument)
- EUN 045 Two worked flints and a core, AW PIPELINE - Trench 024 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- SAP 018 two worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 58 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- IXW 089 Undated and possible Roman and Bronze Age to Iron Age features AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 104 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 087 Undated and post medieval ditches AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 110 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 083 Undated and Roman features AW PIPELINE Trench 117 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 067 Undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 139 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 070 Undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 142 NPS (Monument)
- BRG 064 Undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 148 NPS (Monument)
- PKM 073 Undated ditch and possible gully or ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 129 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 090 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 103 (Monument)
- PKM 076 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 125 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 031 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 167 (Monument)
- PKM 072 Undated ditch or pit and lithic scatter AW PIPELINE Trench 131 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 058 Undated ditch, AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 156 NPS (Monument)
- BAR 088 Undated ditch: AW PIPELINE - EVAL Tr 87 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 088 Undated pit AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 105 (Monument)
- PKM 068 Undated pit - AW PIPELINE Trench 138 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 067 Undated pit and ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 145 NPS (Monument)
- RBK 029 Undated pit and ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 170 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 086 Undated pit AW PIPELINE - Trench 89 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 032 Undated pit AW PIPELINE Trench 166 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 037 Undated pit: AW PIPELINE - Trench 051 (NPS) (Monument)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 11:34AM