Source/Archive record SSF53973 - LIDAR (EA)

Title LIDAR (EA)
Date/Year c1999-2023




SCCAS network drive

Referenced Monuments (82)

  • An earthwork enclosure of unknown date and function on Woodsend Marshes, Southwold parish (Monument)
  • Bombay (1880s); Mildenhall Woods (Monument)
  • Bonny/Round Wood (Monument)
  • Bonny/Round Wood (Monument)
  • Castle Fen (Monument)
  • Chevington Lodge Farm (Monument)
  • Circular earthwork of unknown date, north of Boxford Lane (Monument)
  • Circular Enclosure, S of Sandy Plantation (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of probable undated enclosures (Monument)
  • Curved ditch, possibly part of a circular enclosure (Monument)
  • Curvilinear bank (Monument)
  • Davids Mound, The Plantation (Monument)
  • Earthwork of a possible medieval Hollow Way "Bacon Lane" (Monument)
  • Earthwork of a probable Ring Ditch, South of Helmingham Hall (Monument)
  • Earthwork of Sub Circular Enclosure or Henge ? visible on LIDAR (Monument)
  • Earthworks in Great Hastings Wood (Monument)
  • Earthworks of a mound, possible structural remains, ponds and ditches in woodland (Monument)
  • Earthworks of a possible medieval Moat in woodland (Bush Corner) (Monument)
  • Earthworks of a square enclosure (Monument)
  • Earthworks of an Enclosure, The Plantation (Monument)
  • Earthworks of crofts and tofts, E of Elveden Hall (Monument)
  • Earthworks of enclosures and possible trackway, SE of Limes Farm (Monument)
  • Earthworks of Enclosures and trackways, N of River Stour, S of Tendring Hall Farm. (Monument)
  • Earthworks of enclosures of probable Medieval Date (Monument)
  • Earthworks of enclosures, North of Station Road, Barnham (Monument)
  • Earthworks of numerous small enclosures, W of (Monument)
  • Earthworks of part of a square, ditched enclosure, Park Wood (Monument)
  • Earthworks of pre-Modern field sustems, Crofts and Tofts, Knettishall Heath (Monument)
  • Eathworks of enclosures and relict field systems in Lawn Wood (Monument)
  • Eathworks of probable Medieval settlement in Sudbourne Park (Monument)
  • Enclosures & historic Ponds, probable Medieval occupation site (Monument)
  • Field boundaries at Mutton Hall (Monument)
  • Frithy Wood (Monument)
  • Garden earthworks and Site of (old) Little Haugh Hall (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Poors Fen; Turf Fen; Furthest Drove (Monument)
  • Large banked and ditched enclosure (Monument)
  • Large Banked and ditched enclosure visible on LIDAR, W of Leavenheath Farm (Monument)
  • Large linear earthwork (Monument)
  • Large linear earthwork, running parallel to dry valley (Monument)
  • Large linear earthwork, Semer (Monument)
  • Lavenham Road Old Farmhouse (and moat) (Monument)
  • LIDAR Image of a sub-rectangular enclosure (Monument)
  • Medieval wood bank and external ditch (Monument)
  • Medieval wood bank and external ditch (Monument)
  • Military Camp, west of Ufford (Monument)
  • Moat (Monument)
  • North of Street Farm, Bramfield (Monument)
  • Oak Wood (Monument)
  • Orwell Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Oval earthwork enclosure in Bar Wood/Calves Wood (Monument)
  • Partially extant Bronze Age Round Barrow (Monument)
  • Ponds and water management (Monument)
  • Possible enclosure bank (Monument)
  • Possible Mill Mound at the northern end of Glebe Town Grove (Monument)
  • Possible Round Barrow, Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
  • Possible Round Barrow, Mildenhall Warren (Monument)
  • Possible Round Barrow, Mildenhall Warren (Monument)
  • Possible Round Barrow, Mildenhall Warren (Monument)
  • Possible Swan Yards or Fishponds (Monument)
  • Practice trenches, probably of First World War date. (Monument)
  • Pre-18th cenury earthworks in Tendring Hall Park (Monument)
  • Probable post medieval boundary bank. Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
  • Probable post medieval field boundary (Monument)
  • Ropers Heath; Tuddenham Heath (Monument)
  • Roughly circular earthwork enclosure in Sayer's Carr (Monument)
  • SE of Wellington Wood (Monument)
  • Small circular mound earthwork in Semer (Monument)
  • Small circular mounds, possible barrows, Ipswich Golf Course (Monument)
  • Subtle earthworks of relict field systems in woodland, The Plantation, Ousden (Monument)
  • Subtle earthworks of strip field cultivation, N of Brookes Corner (Monument)
  • Subtle earthworks of water management and land divisision of probable Medieval date (Monument)
  • Timworth (Monument)
  • Trackway and sub-circular enclosure (Monument)
  • Two circular mounds, S of Elveden Hall (Monument)
  • Two Oval mounds, unknown date (Monument)
  • Undated mound (Monument)
  • Undated mound (Monument)
  • Undated mound (Monument)
  • Undated mound, possibly a post medieval garden feature (Monument)
  • Undated mound, possibly a post medieval garden feature (Monument)
  • Well preserved earthworks of irregular enclosures and ponds , S of Ruffins Farm (Monument)
  • Well preserved medieval field systems of Tofts and Crofts (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jun 18 2024 1:13PM

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