Source/Archive record SSF50056 - Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service evaluation report
Title | Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service evaluation report |
Author/Originator | |
Date/Year |
Referenced Monuments (79)
- IXW 062 25-34 New Road (Monument)
- CAC 018 Beccles Road; Hollow Lane (Med) (Monument)
- TYY 027 Blofield Hall (Med) (Monument)
- TYY 033 Blofield Hall (Monument)
- CAC 017 Carlton Park; Areas 1 & 2 (Preh) (Monument)
- CAM 040 Cavenham Quarry (Un) (Monument)
- WLB 014 Churchyard, Church of St Andrew, (Monument)
- MNL 556 College Heath Road (Monument)
- TYY 029 Concentration of burnt flint and excavated features (Monument)
- DBN 124 Crows Hall (Monument)
- WTM 035 Ditches of unknown date on Land adjacent to Lime Tree Farm (Monument)
- RGH 054 Duplicate entry, see RGH 031. (Monument)
- WLW 095 Elmside Farm, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
- FMP 020 Findspot of 3 large unabraded sherds of Anglo-Saxon pottery (Monument)
- FAS 034 Former site of Direct Foods Ltd, Lamdin Road (Monument)
- HVH 057 Hanchet End; Dukes Cany Wood; Chimswell Common; Cany Common (Monument)
- SLD 005 Harleston Green, Shelland (Monument)
- MNL 084 Holywell Row Cemetery (Monument)
- CAC 001 Iron Age ditch at Carlton Park Phase 2B (Hollow Lane) (Monument)
- MNL 013 Judes Ferry, West Row. (PMed) (Monument)
- LKD 038 Lackford Quarry (Preh) (Monument)
- LKD 038 Lackford Quarry (Un) (Monument)
- LKH 230 Lakenheath Hall (Monument)
- MDD 012 Land Adj. 'The Haven', Rectory Rd, Middleton, post medieval (Pmed) (Monument)
- MDD 012 Land Adj. 'The Haven', Rectory Rd, Middleton, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
- MDD 012 Land Adj. 'The Haven', Rectory Road, Middleton, medieval (Med) (Monument)
- ONW 019 Land at Cross Green (Monument)
- KSG 015 Land behind Main Road, off Wrights Lane (Med) (Monument)
- HVH 059 Land of Chalkstone (IA) (Monument)
- FAS 031 Land off Aldridge Lane (Monument)
- NKT 019 Land to the E of George Lambton Avenue (Monument)
- LMD 136 Land to the rear of 'Wrights', St Catherine's Road (PMed) (Monument)
- LMD 136 Land to the rear of 'Wrights', St Catherine's Road (Rom) (Monument)
- FEX 209 Land to the rear of 276 High Street, Walton (Monument)
- LKH 269 Land to the rear of 6 Eriswel Drive (Monument)
- FEX 064 Landguard Fort complex, post 1720 (PMed) (Monument)
- LVM 043 Lavenham Press (Monument)
- WLD 025 Medieval and Post Medieval Parish boundaries and post medieval ditch at Waldringfield Quarry (Monument)
- LCS 032 Medieval artefact scatter of roughly 553 coarseware sherds. (Med) (Monument)
- FMP 020 Medieval ditch and green edge (Monument)
- LVT 036 Medieval ditches, confirmed by evaluation trenching. (Med) (Monument)
- SUS 005 Metal detector finds include blade end of palstave (?). (BA) (Find Spot)
- BRG 026 Moreton Hall east (Monument)
- RGH 030 Moreton Hall East (Monument)
- HBK 042 Negative Evaluation - Ipswich Road, Holbrook (Revoked Record)
- WBG 061 Negative Evaluation - Land at Notcutts Garden Centre (Revoked Record)
- WBG 056 Negative Monitoring - Haugh Lane (Revoked Record)
- ORF 001 Orford Castle (Med) (Monument)
- ORF 001 Orford Castle (Un) (Monument)
- ORF 054 Orford Castle Trial Excavation, post-medieval (PMed) (Monument)
- ORF 054 Orford Castle Trial Excavation, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
- LCS 033 Oval enclosure and 2 smaller ring ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- BSE 135 Post medieval buildings and single ditch (Monument)
- IXW 056 Post Medieval flint wall base at Site of Fordhams Garage, Ixworth (Monument)
- CRP 006 Post Medieval revetments and tracks that were part of a munitions store. (Monument)
- UFF 054 Post-medieval pottery, St Audreys Hospital, Melton (Monument)
- UFF 054 Post-medieval pottery, St Audreys Hospital, Melton (Monument)
- LUD 033 Prehistoric and Roman Pits at Lound Water Treatment Works (Monument)
- LCS 032 Prehistoric artefact scatter of roughly 90 worked flnts. (Preh)
- GSG 022 Proposed school site, Gislingham (Monument)
- SUT 197 RAF Woodbridge; Woodbridge Airfield; RAF Sutton Heath (Monument)
- HAD 061 Red Hill Road/Lady Lane (Preh) (Monument)
- RGH 031 REVOKED RECORD: Moreton Hall East (Revoked Record)
- RBK 019 Roman Ditch at Rushbrooke treatment works (Monument)
- LCS 134 Roman saltern. (Monument)
- SNP 020 Round Hill, Black Cottages (Un) (Monument)
- MRM 075 Series of Roman ditches, Martlesham Park and Ride (Rom) (Monument)
- LCS 032 Six sherds of Rom material. (Rom) (Monument)
- MNL 502 Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, post medieval (PMed) (Monument)
- CDD 050 Smyes Corner, Shrubland Quarry phase 2 (Sax) (Monument)
- BRD 071 Sports Centre site; Sports & Social Club; Playing Fields (Med) (Monument)
- CAC 030 St Peter's Road (Sax) (Monument)
- STS 001 Stanstead Hall (Monument)
- RGV 043 The Old Garage: 1 & 2 Dudleys Close, Redgrave (Monument)
- LCS 032 Trackways and ditches of potential Roman date (Monument)
- SUY 063 Undated pit and ditch at Gainsborough St at Junction with Weavers Lane, Sudbury (Monument)
- TYN 074 Walk Farm (Rom) (Monument)
- LWT 137 Walton Road (Monument)
- LVM 051 Water Street culvert (Monument)
Referenced Events (2)
Record last edited
Dec 16 2024 9:38AM