Site Event/Activity record ESF23195 - TM35SW. Mapping Block 2: Bromeswell to Rendlesham. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB
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Norfolk Historic Environment Service
Not recorded.
No mapped location recorded.
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (51)
- BML 045 Cropmark field boundaries (Monument)
- EKE 042 Cropmarks and slight earthworks of possible medieval and post medieval date (Monument)
- RLM 076 Cropmarks and soilmarks of boundary ditches and trackways of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- EKE 030 Cropmarks of a possible enclosures and associated ditches and boundaries of uncertain date (Monument)
- EKE 029 Cropmarks of a possible fragmentary enclosure, field boundaries and trackway components of unknown date (Monument)
- RLM 061 Cropmarks of a possible Saxon hall at Rendlesham (PAS find)
- RLM 028 Cropmarks of an enclosed settlement of probable Roman, or Iron Age to Roman, date (Monument)
- RLM 064 Cropmarks of boundaries and possible settlement of probable Saxon to post medieval date (Monument)
- EKE 032 Cropmarks of fragmentary and multi-phase ditches and field boundaries (Monument)
- EKE 027 Cropmarks of fragmentary and undated cropmarks (Monument)
- EKE 028 Cropmarks of fragmentary and undated cropmarks (Monument)
- EKE 040 Cropmarks of fragmentary ditches and field boundaries of unknown date (Monument)
- RLM 067 Cropmarks of multi-period enclosures and fields at site of Saxon settlement and burials (Monument)
- RLM 063 Cropmarks of possible sunken-featured buildings and/or pits of Saxon date (Monument)
- RLM 060 Cropmarks of probable medieval to post medieval boundary ditches and a group of pits, possibly relating to sunken-featured buildings of Saxon date (Monument)
- CAA 036 Cropmarks of uncertain date and archaeological significance (Monument)
- RLM 065 Cropmarks of undated and fragmentary ditches (Monument)
- RLM 068 Cropmarks of undated and fragmentary ditches (Monument)
- EKE 046 Cropmarks of undated ditches (Monument)
- BML 048 Cropmarks of undated enclosures and boundaries or drains (Monument)
- EKE 047 Cropmarks of unknown date (Monument)
- RLM 072 Cropmarks relating to the main Rendlesham complex (Monument)
- RLM 070 Earthworks of a semi-circular ditch of possible probable post medieval date (Monument)
- RLM 066 Earthworks of an area of banks and drainage ditches of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- EKE 049 Earthworks of boundary banks and ditches and a possible enclosure (Monument)
- RLM 047 Former RAF Butley, renamed Bentwaters RAF Station in 1943 (Monument)
- EKE 036 Medieval to post medieval boundaries (Monument)
- EKE 038 Medieval to post medieval field boundaries (Monument)
- RLM 069 Military camp associated with RAF Butley/Bentwaters Airfield (Monument)
- RLM 077 Multi-phase and fragmentary cropmark field boundaries (Monument)
- BML 047 Multi-phase cropmarks (Monument)
- RLM 006 Possible barrow on Hoo Hill (Monument)
- RLM 074 Possible enclosures of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- EKE 043 Possible medieval to post medieval enclosures and/or boundary ditches (Monument)
- CAA 035 Possible Second World War gun emplacements (Monument)
- BML 046 Possible Second World War pillbox (Monument)
- RLM 071 Prehistoric, Roman and medieval material and undated ditches, pits and possible structure on Hut Field, Rendlesham. (Monument)
- BML 049 Probable medieval to post medieval boundaries (Monument)
- EKE 031 Rectilinear enclosures and trackways of possible Iron Age to Roman date (Monument)
- EKE 041 Second World War site (Monument)
- CAA 034 Second World War training site (Monument)
- BML 044 Site of a former track or hollow way of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- RLM 062 Site of a probable Second World War searchlight battery (Monument)
- EKE 048 Site of multi-phase cropmarks, possibly including settlement of Roman date (Monument)
- RLM 007 Site of previously recorded prehistoric ring ditches, now RLM 062 (Monument)
- EKE 044 Site of uncertain date and significance. (Monument)
- RLM 073 The site of a curvilinear or D-shaped enclosure of Iron Age date (Monument)
- EKE 045 Trackway of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- EKE 039 Undated boundary bank or road (Monument)
- EKE 037 Undated cropmark enclosures and ditches (Monument)
- EKE 034 World War Two possible training area (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- ESF23193 Mapping Block 2: Sutton to Sudbourne. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 7085)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 3:39PM