Source/Archive record SSF50020 - Ordnance Survey, 1st edition 1" map
Title | Ordnance Survey, 1st edition 1" map |
Author/Originator | Ordnance Survey |
Date/Year |
OS, 1st edition 1" map
Referenced Monuments (319)
- EKE 017 (Old) Rookery Farm (Monument)
- GFD 027 19th century Coconut Matting Factory (Monument)
- GFD 026 19th Century Coconut Matting Factory (Monument)
- PLS 060 19th century Fishponds, Polstead (Monument)
- BNL 047 19th century House, Benhall Lodge (Building)
- GFD 028 19th Century Matting factory (Monument)
- BNL 017 19th century park, Benhall Lodge Park (Monument)
- BRH 049 19th century pond at former D&P Meats site (Monument)
- WLB 037 A 4km stretch of sea bank is visible running along the southern edge of the River Blyth, skirting Tinker's Marshes (Monument)
- SWD 034 A stretch of sea bank c1km in length on the southern edge of the River Blyth near Walberswick (Monument)
- ADT 074 Alderton historic settlement core (Monument)
- ARG 064 Aldringham Green (Monument)
- ARG 057 Aldringham historic settlement core (Med) (Monument)
- ALP 015 Alpheton Tye or Tye Green (Monument)
- SBK 026 Ashfield Green (Monument)
- WKB 042 Ashfield Green Farm (Monument)
- WKB 043 Ashfield Green Farm (Monument)
- STF 011 Assington Green (Monument)
- WKB 030 Athiton Green (Monument)
- HUD 025 Babel Green (Monument)
- WHL 022 Bacon's Green (Monument)
- BDG 056 Badingham Bowling Green historic settlement (Monument)
- BDG 058 Badingham Green (Monument)
- BDG 057 Badingham Green historic settlement (Monument)
- BDG 055 Badingham historic settlement core (Monument)
- LXD 087 Banier or Banyard's Green (Monument)
- BAR 082 Bardwell historic settlement core (Monument)
- WNF 019 Barnably Green (Monument)
- BNH 068 Barnham historic settlement core (Monument)
- BNG 018 Barningham historic settlement core (Monument)
- WGW 019 Barton Grange (Monument)
- BTM 050 Barton Mills historic settlement core (Monument)
- BKY 021 Bavins Wood Field (Monument)
- BAW 166 Bawdsey historic settlement core (Monument)
- WKB 028 Baxter's Green (Monument)
- MNL 675 Beck Row, Holywell Row and Wilde Street historic settlement core (Monument)
- BNL 032 Benhall Green (Monument)
- BNL 030 Benhall Green historic settlement (Monument)
- BNL 046 Benhall Lodge; Old Lodge (Building)
- EYE 089 Black Windmill (Monument)
- LDP 009 Blacksmith Green (Monument)
- WGD 023 Bleach Green (Monument)
- CRM 063 Bosmere Lock (Monument)
- BDG 059 Bowling Green (Monument)
- SAS 016 Bowling Green (Monument)
- HUD 024 Brackhall or Brockley Green (Monument)
- BMF 021 Bramfield historic settlement core (Monument)
- BFD 037 Bredfield Green (Monument)
- BFD 036 Bredfield historic settlement core (Monument)
- SNP 092 Brick Field (1837); Brick Works (1880s) (Monument)
- BRG 097 Brick Kiln Cottages (Monument)
- EYE 071 Brick Kiln Farm (1880's), Cranley Green. (Monument)
- WKM 015 Brick kiln. (Monument)
- IPS 967 Brickworks, South of Stoke Park, Ipswich. (Monument)
- DAR 023 Bristle Green (Monument)
- CHV 020 Broad Green (Monument)
- BML 036 Bromeswell historic settlement core (Monument)
- BUD 008 Bruisyard historic settlement core (Monument)
- WTH 029 Burton Green (Monument)
- CAA 006 Campsea Ashe Park; Campsea Ashe House; Campsea Ashe High House (Monument)
- IKL 168 Canada (Monument)
- CSA 024 Capel Green (Monument)
- DNN 041 Capon's Green (Monument)
- KCC 042 Carlton Green (Monument)
- CAC 022 Carlton Green (Monument)
- CAM 051 Cavenham historic settlement core (Monument)
- CHA 020 Charsfield historic settlement core (Monument)
- CHD 079 Chediston Green historic settlement (Monument)
- CHD 078 Chediston historic settlement core (Monument)
- DAR 022 China Green (Monument)
- SVN 004 Church or Stroven Green (Monument)
- CLO 048 Clopton Green (Monument)
- WKB 029 Clopton Green (Monument)
- DRK 034 Clopton Green (Monument)
- CHV 019 College Green (Monument)
- WKB 025 Coltsfoot Green, Wickhambrook (Monument)
- DUN 097 Coney Hill, The Warren, Minsmere North Marsh (Monument)
- SXM 025 Congregational Chapel graveyard , Saxmundham (Monument)
- COY 013 Cookley Green (Monument)
- COR 055 Corton historic settlement core (Monument)
- CRN 014 Cransford Green (Monument)
- CRN 013 Cransford historic settlement core (Monument)
- CRT 027 Cratfield Bell Green historic settlement (Monument)
- CRT 028 Cratfield North Green historic settlement (Monument)
- CRT 029 Cratfield Silverlace Green historic settlement (Monument)
- CRT 030 Cratfield Swan Green historic settlement (Monument)
- CRM 064 Creeting Lock (Monument)
- CRE 021 Cretingham historic settlement core (Monument)
- HRT 017 Cross Green (Monument)
- DAL 031 Dalham historic settlement core (Monument)
- WHP 027 Darney Lane (Monument)
- HRM 019 Deer Park, Horham (Monument)
- DNN 049 Dennington historic settlement core (Monument)
- DNT 013 Denston historic settlement core (Monument)
- BNC 124 Dovecote and Summer House (Building)
- DAL 025 Dunstall Green (Med) (Monument)
- ESO 017 Earl Soham historic settlement core (Monument)
- EBG 044 East Bergholt historic settlement core (Monument)
- ETN 017 Easton historic settlement core (Monument)
- ETT 018 Elmsett Green (Monument)
- ELV 080 Elveden historic settlement core (Monument)
- ERL 224 Eriswell St Laurence historic settlement core (Monument)
- ERL 223 Eriswell St Peter historic settlement core (Monument)
- EXG 098 Exning historic settlement core (Monument)
- EKE 025 Eyke historic settlement core (Monument)
- FKM 030 Fakenham historic settlement core (Monument)
- WKB 031 Farley Green (Monument)
- LDM 011 Farmstead: Linstead Farm (Farmstead)
- HGM 020 Farmstead: Mill Farm (Farmstead)
- BAR 069 Farmstead: Wyken Hall (Farmstead)
- MSF38337 Fishponds in Lady Wood (Monument)
- FMP 023 Flempton historic settlement core (Monument)
- SNP 050 Flood defences and drainage built before 1837 and abandoned by 1943. (Monument)
- SNP 050 Flood defences and drainage built before 1837 and abandoned by 1943. (Monument)
- WBY 014 Foals Green, Wilby (Monument)
- CHV 028 Former deer park at Chevington (Poorly Located Monument)
- MKS 017 Former deer park at Monk Soham (Med) (Monument)
- SEJ 040 Former deer park, St James South Elmham (Monument)
- FAS 043 Fornham All Saints historic settlement core (Monument)
- FSM 023 Fornham Saint Martin historic settlement core (Monument)
- FRK 100 Freckenham historic settlement core (Monument)
- NRN 067 Garden earthworks and Site of (old) Little Haugh Hall (Monument)
- GAZ 026 Gazeley historic settlement core (Monument)
- WKB 027 Genesis Green (Monument)
- UGG 009 Golds Green (Monument)
- CRT 031 Goostead Green (Monument)
- PSG 015 Gosland Green (Monument)
- LMG 014 Great Livermere historic settlement core (Monument)
- TUG 025 Great Thurlow historic settlement core (Monument)
- BXF 014 Groton Brickworks (Monument)
- GRU 042 Grundisburgh historic settlement core (Monument)
- WSF 054 Hall Green (Monument)
- KCC 043 Hams Green (Monument)
- HRT 016 Hartest Green (Monument)
- HWN 028 Hawkedon historic settlement core (Monument)
- SNP 091 Heatherdene (Monument)
- HXN 037 Heckfield Green (Monument)
- HEP 031 Hepworth historic settlement core (Monument)
- HGW 024 Herringswell historic settlement core (Monument)
- HTT 022 Hesset Green (Monument)
- HIG 021 Higham Lower Green settlement core (Monument)
- HIG 014 Higham Middle Green (Monument)
- HIG 022 Higham Middle/Upper Green settlement core (Monument)
- GRU 090 Hill Farm Lane, (relict green lane), Bond's Corner (Monument)
- HNY 028 Hinderclay Green (Monument)
- HNY 030 Hinderclay windmill (Monument)
- COW 023 Hobbles Green, Cowlinge (Monument)
- CHV 018 Hollybush Green (Monument)
- HLN 011 Holton historic settlement core (Monument)
- TMX 019 Home Farm (Monument)
- SEY 036 Homersfield historic settlement core (Monument)
- HNN 018 Honington historic settlement core (Monument)
- HPN 023 Hopton historic settlement core (Monument)
- DLL 016 Hopwell Green (Med) (Monument)
- DAL 016 Hopwell Green (Monument)
- HGR 021 Horringer historic settlement core (Monument)
- HUD 033 Hundon historic settlement core (Monument)
- LMG 021 Icehouse S of Long Water, Ampton Park (Monument)
- CAA 050 Icehouse, Campsea Ash (Monument)
- BRG 087 Icehouse, Great Barton (Monument)
- HEV 017 Icehouse, Heveningham Hall (Building)
- WLV 060 Icehouse, Woolverstone Hall (Building)
- IKL 180 Icklingham historic settlement core (Monument)
- FML 070 Infirmary: Infectious diseases (Monument)
- ING 031 Ingham historic settlement core (Monument)
- IXT 036 Ixworth Thorpe historic settlement core (Monument)
- IKL 181 Jack Tree Staunch (Monument)
- KTD 017 Kentford historic settlement core (Monument)
- KIR 058 Kirton historic settlement core (Monument)
- HEV 020 Kitchen Gardens Walls and Store, Heveningham Hall (Building)
- HNV 041 Kitchen Gardens, Hengrave Hall (Monument)
- KND 018 Knodishall Coldfair Green historic settlement; St Andrews Green; Coldford Green (1783) (Monument)
- LKD 056 Lackford Staunch (Monument)
- LWL 024 Lawshall Green (Monument)
- LVH 006 Leaven Hall (Monument)
- LDG 014 Lidgate historic settlement core (Monument)
- LDP 005 Linstead Green (Monument)
- LDP 004 Linstead or Collipy's Green (Monument)
- SXT 019 Little Saxtead Green (Monument)
- TUL 022 Little Thurlow historic settlement core (Monument)
- IKL 183 Lock No. 11 on the River Lark. (Monument)
- LUD 037 Lound historic settlement core (Monument)
- NWN 006 Low Green (Monument)
- HRF 013 Maddisons Carr; Church Grove (1837) (Monument)
- WTM 032 Magpye Green (Monument)
- HRF 014 Manor House Farm; Herringfleet Hall (1880s); Old Hall (1837) (Monument)
- SXL 024 Marquis's Drive (Monument)
- DNN 042 Maypole Green (Monument)
- LMD 070 Melford Park Lodge; Melford Park Farm (Monument)
- MTN 060 Melton historic settlement core (Monument)
- MDS 249 Mendlesham Green (Monument)
- WYV 016 Mill Road (Monument)
- HVH 001 Millfield, Place Farm, (Chalkstone way), Haverhill (Find Spot)
- HVH 033 Millfields Way; Chalkstone Hill (Monument)
- WKB 026 Moor or Meeting Green, Wickhambrook (Monument)
- CAC 021 Mootway or Muthall Common (Monument)
- LDP 010 Morrelhaugh Green (Monument)
- MUN 045 Moulton historic settlement core (Monument)
- NDG 013 Naughton Green (Monument)
- CRT 012 North Green, Cratfield (Monument)
- BNC 123 North Lodge, Benacre Park (Building)
- NWN 004 Nowton Park, The Paddock, Breckey Ley Park; Court Park (Monument)
- WKB 049 Nunnery Green, Wickhambrook (Monument)
- EBG 045 Old Hall Park (Monument)
- RAY 034 Old Raydon Hall (Building)
- DNN 040 Owles Green (Monument)
- SNP 094 Pair of parallel banks on west side of Snape Warren. (Monument)
- PKM 065 Pakenham historic settlement core (Monument)
- PKM 047 Pakenham watermill (Building)
- PRH 027 Parham historic settlement core (Monument)
- PRH 028 Parham North Green historic settlement (Monument)
- HNV 033 Park Lodge, Hengrave Park (Building)
- PSH 017 Peasenhall historic settlement core (Monument)
- PTR 028 Pettistree historic settlement core (Monument)
- OUS 042 Ponds and water management (Monument)
- KBU 024 Possible 19th century retting pond. (Monument)
- SXL 032 Possible Moat 2- 3 arms (Monument)
- IKN 104 Post Medieval brick and pottery works. (Monument)
- ETN 010 Post Medieval brickworks and kiln shown on the 1880's OS map. (Monument)
- SNP 076 Post Medieval quay north of Church Reach. (Monument)
- BEG 081 Post-medieval brickworks, Brick Kiln Farm; Kiln Farm (Monument)
- FRS 067 Post-medieval quarry/possible sand pit (Monument)
- FRS 020 Post-medieval sand pit (Monument)
- TDM 042 Post-medieval windmill and pond indicated on 1st ed OS map (Monument)
- COW 022 Pound Green (Monument)
- HWS 018 Pound Green (Monument)
- SBN 123 Pre-18th cenury earthworks in Tendring Hall Park (Monument)
- IKN 075 Probable oyster pits of unknown date. (Monument)
- RAY 018 Raydon Mill (Building)
- HXN 036 Reading Green (Monument)
- RLG 006 Redlingfield Green (Monument)
- RNM 020 Rendham historic settlement core (Monument)
- REY 030 Reydon Common, Reydon (Monument)
- RGD 009 Ringsfield Common (Monument)
- RBY 043 Risby historic settlement core (Monument)
- RBY 005 Round Barrow. (Monument)
- WBY 016 Russel's Green, Wilby (Monument)
- SXT 013 Saxtead Green historic settlement (Monument)
- SXT 012 Saxtead Little Green historic settlement core (Monument)
- STT 059 Shottisham historic settlement core (Monument)
- SBT 030 Sibton Little Green (Monument)
- BNL 033 Silverlace Green (Monument)
- CRT 013 Silverley's Green (Monument)
- EYE 200 Site of a building called 'Culford Hall' on OS 1st ed (Monument)
- CHF 037 Site of deer park at Chillesford. (Monument)
- SDL 005 Site of former windmill (Monument)
- BCG 027 Site of Medieval Deer Park (Monument)
- ADH 019 Site of Medieval deer park, Aldham (Poorly Located Monument)
- MNL 510 Site of second warrener's lodge, Three Hillls, Mildenhall Warren (Monument)
- SDG 038 Site of Valley Farm, Shaddingfield (Monument)
- FRS 016 Six Post-Medieval quarry pits, one labelled sand pit (Monument)
- BUG 034 Sky Green, Burgh (Monument)
- MKE 026 Slackyard or Stackyard Green, Monks Eleigh (Monument)
- HVH 018 Small Mill Field Common; Little Mill Field; Mill Hill; Mill Road, Haverhill (Monument)
- DUN 095 Small rectangular 'Decoy Pond (Monument)
- BSG 031 Smallwood Green (Monument)
- CHV 017 Smith's Green (Monument)
- MKS 009 Soham Green (Monument)
- SOT 010 Sotterley Common (Monument)
- BNC 122 South Lodge, Benacre Park (Building)
- SEJ 036 St James South Elmham historic settlement core (Monument)
- GOS 003 St Mary's Church, (Easton?) (Med) (Monument)
- HEV 019 Stables, Heveningham Hall (Building)
- THD 021 Standwell or Thorndon Green (Monument)
- SNT 052 Stanton historic settlement core (Monument)
- SNF 014 Sternfield historic settlement core (Monument)
- SBC 037 Stoke-By-Clare historic settlement core (Monument)
- SBN 098 Stoke-By-Clare historic settlement core (Monument)
- SVN 006 Stoven Middle Green, Stoven (Monument)
- SVN 005 Stoven North or Further Green (Monument)
- SDL 008 Stradishall historic settlement core (Monument)
- SUS 027 Stuston Common (Monument)
- STU 081 Stutton New Mill (Building)
- SFF 019 Sweffling historic settlement core (Monument)
- SYL 011 Syleham Green or Great Green (Monument)
- CHV 025 Tan Office Green (Monument)
- TNN 011 Tannington Green, Tannington (Monument)
- HAD 068 Taylor's Monument (Monument)
- IKL 182 Temple Staunch (19th century) (Monument)
- IPS 960 The Courses, Racecourse, Ipswich. (Monument)
- COG 021 The Old Brick Kiln (Monument)
- SDG 029 The Spring (Monument)
- THB 014 Theberton Park; Former deer park (Monument)
- TMX 022 Thorpe Green (Monument)
- ARG 063 Thorpeness historic settlement core (Monument)
- MNL 001 Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall. (BA) (Monument)
- ADB 035 Three, probably Post Medieval, quarries northeast of Hazlewood Marshes. (Monument)
- TCK 019 Tostock Green (Monument)
- TCK 018 Tostock Leys (Monument)
- WTH 047 Town Green (Monument)
- COV 025 Trackway and causeway over Covehithe Broad of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- TYY 060 Trimley historic settlement core (Monument)
- TRS 016 Troston historic settlement core (Monument)
- TDD 025 Tuddenham historic settlement core (Monument)
- TUN 031 Tunstall historic settlement core (Monument)
- IKN 100 Two Post Medieval quarry pits. (Monument)
- UBB 032 Ubbeston Green (Monument)
- UFF 035 Ufford historic settlement core (Monument)
- HIG 015 Upper Green: Higham Hall (Monument)
- WLB 025 Walberswick Common (Monument)
- WLP 016 Walpole historic settlement core (Monument)
- FEX 292 Walton historic settlement core (Monument)
- WNG 050 Wangford historic settlement core (Monument)
- WNF 034 Wangford historic settlement core (Monument)
- MNL 676 West Row historic settlement core (Monument)
- WLN 052 Westleton historic settlement core (Monument)
- WLY 012 Westley historic settlement core (Monument)
- EYE 033 Windmill (Monument)
- SOL 026 Windmill shown on maps of 1783 & 1837 (Monument)
- COK 055 Windsor Green (Monument)
- WSS 022 Wissett historic settlement core (Monument)
- SBK 027 Wolting or Wootten Green, Stradbroke (Monument)
- WGN 046 Worlington historic settlement core (Monument)
- WTM 034 Wortham Common or Wortham Ling (Monument)
- WTM 033 Wortham Green or Long Green (Monument)
- WTG 016 Wratting Green (Monument)
- WRE 017 Wrentham Common, Wrentham (Monument)
- WRE 022 Wrentham historic settlement core (Monument)
- YOX 034 Yoxford historic settlement core (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
May 3 2022 12:23AM