Thesaurus Term/Concept: DRAINAGE DITCH

Identifier 70442
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A long, narrow ditch designed to carry water away from a waterlogged area.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (3)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (114)

Context Record
Monument Type MSF39346 A group of undated banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38399 A large area of medieval to post medieval banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41025 An area of undated ditches, banks and a mound. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF159 Area of Medieval banks and ditches probably relating to medieval settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21218 Baldwins Lode (Load, 1783) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9464 Butley Abbey: Butley Priory (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22750 Cricket Ground (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34489 Cropmark of settlement enclosures of uncertain date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34488 Cropmarks and earthworks of probable medieval date settlement and/or enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3477 Cropmarks of a major system of enclosures, trackways and boundary ditches of possible Roman or medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33617 Cropmarks of a possible enclosures and associated ditches and boundaries of uncertain date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34734 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and possible tracks of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27249 Cropmarks of boundaries of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27660 Cropmarks of ditches and /or drains of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27658 Cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27523 Cropmarks of field boundaries/trackways and enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27261 Cropmarks of multi-period field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27595 Cropmarks of multi-phase ditches and boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31796 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33482 Cropmarks of possible medieval common-edge stock enclosures and/or drainage features (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27178 Cropmarks of series of drainage ditches and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33663 Cropmarks of undated and fragmentary ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27497 Cropmarks of undated ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34550 Cropmarks of undated enclosures and boundaries or drains (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27575 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27576 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27581 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27592 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27260 Cropmarks of undated, but probably medieval to post medieval fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34546 Cropmarks of unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17061 Dale Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19642 Ditch system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19643 Ditch system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31762 Earthwork banks and ditches of possible former field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37203 Earthwork banks and ditches of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF35116 Earthwork banks, causeways and ditches, some probably related to drainage, of probable medieval to post medieval date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34370 Earthwork banks, medieval to post medieval (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27797 Earthworks and cropmarks associated with Mutford Church and Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27718 Earthworks in the vicinity of Mutford Hall (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34707 Earthworks of a 700m long routeway or boundary ditch of undertain date and significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33664 Earthworks of an area of banks and drainage ditches of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33604 Earthworks of banks and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34368 Earthworks of linear banks and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27578 Earthworks of possible drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34359 Earthworks of possible enclosures and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27728 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27730 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27746 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37387 Earthworks of probable medieval settlement and medieval to post medieval boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33607 Earthworks of zig zag trenches/possible spigot mortar and gun emplacements and other World War Two activity (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22751 Football Ground (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31729 Former earthworks in woodland, possible medieval land divisions (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34367 Former earthworks of linear banks and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31672 Former earthworks of possible post medieval drains (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34732 Fragmentary and multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries, trackways and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27527 Grassmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2969 Gulpher Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38378 Large undated curved ditch. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF35596 Medieval ditches and Post Medieval Drainage ditches and field boundaries at East Anglia One Area 20, Land south of Great Bealings (Allocated Number)
Monument Type MSX27802 Medieval post medieval boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38397 Medieval to post medieval banks and ditches possibly relating to strip fields. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27641 Medieval to post medieval drainage and marshland causeways (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3088 Moat, Chickering Hall (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38403 Possible Cold War military feature or Modern pit. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31761 Possible former earthwork enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33606 Possible gun emplacement for 'Diver' HAA site (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39349 Possible medieval-post medieval banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31756 Possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28039 Post-medieval boundary and drainage ditch (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27801 Probable Medieval platform and enclosures adjacent Mutford Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33636 Probable post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22764 Relict drainage ditches of probable post medieval date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28136 Roman farmstead features at Land Adjacent to The Green (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34643 Site of undated ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF13964 Sub-rectangular enclosure possibly relating to post medieval Osier Beds (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27445 The former earthworks of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10794 Town Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27496 Undated bank and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38400 Undated banks and ditch. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38274 Undated cropmark liner ditch features. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27459 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27506 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27507 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27508 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27510 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27733 Undated earthwork ditch and banks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27707 Undated earthwork ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27511 Undated earthworks of ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27649 Undated field boundary cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27647 Undated fragmentary field boundary cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27631 Undated fragmentary cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27648 Undated fragmentary field boundary cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27609 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27610 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27611 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27612 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27613 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27628 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27657 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27679 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27680 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27688 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27689 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33626 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33627 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33646 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33648 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33649 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33632 Undated linear cropmarks; probable post medieval drainage ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27562 Undated linear ditch cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27686 Undated linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33644 Undated linear soilmarks; probable post medieval drainage ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF7078 Wordwell medieval settlement remains (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25964 World War Two type 22 pillbox (Monument)