Site Event/Activity record ESF29464 - Assessment of the Character and Significance of East Anglian Field Systems project
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Norfolk County Council
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The project was developed to be the initial stage in an assessment of the character and significance of field and stock management systems in the Eastern Region. It assessed a single study area (106 sq km), straddling the eastern Norfolk and Suffolk border. The project re-analysed and assessed data derived from comprehensive and extensive surveys utilising aerial sources (aerial photographs and lidar) in combination with data from other sources. It devised an approach based on the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) in which information regarding the nature, source and reliability of dating evidence was added as metadata to feature-level mapping. This allowed data to be regrouped and reclassified in ways that diverged from existing record groups. Phasing and dating for key parts of the complex field systems recorded from cropmarks in the area was attempted. The effectiveness of the project methodology, and its applicability to other areas, was also assessed.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF61305 Unpublished document: Tremlett, S and Watkins, P. 2023. Assessment of the Character and Significance of East Anglian Field Systems.
Related Monuments/Buildings (125)
- COR 014 Complex rectilinear field system and ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
- SOL 016 Cropmark of trapezoidal enclosure of possible Iron Age or Roman date (Monument)
- COR 014 Cropmarks and soilmarks of a field system of unknown but possible Roman date (Monument)
- LUD 050 Cropmarks and soilmarks of boundaries of uncertain date (Monument)
- LUD 071 Cropmarks and soilmarks of boundaries of uncertain date (Monument)
- OUL 027 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- OUL 024 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- OUL 023 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- LUD 018 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of possible Roman to Post Medieval date (Monument)
- LUD 008 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of uncertain date (Monument)
- COR 047 Cropmarks at Church Farm (Monument)
- COR 012 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of unknown but possible Roman date (Monument)
- LWT 209 Cropmarks of a fragmentary undated ditch (Monument)
- OUL 025 Cropmarks of a possible trackway of unknown date (Monument)
- LUD 006 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- BLN 041 Cropmarks of a roads and tracks of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- BLN 030 Cropmarks of an enclosure and fields, possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- MUD 020 Cropmarks of an undated but possibly prehistoric boundary ditch (Monument)
- LWT 314 Cropmarks of an undated enclosure, fragmentary ditches and field boundaries (Monument)
- CAC 058 Cropmarks of an undated square or rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- BLN 038 Cropmarks of an undated trackway and ditches (Monument)
- OUL 015 Cropmarks of boundaries of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- MUD 026 Cropmarks of common-edge enclosures and field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- CAC 073 Cropmarks of ditches and /or drains of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
- GSE 077 Cropmarks of enclosures and fields of possible Roman date (Monument)
- COR 003 Cropmarks of enclosures, tracks and fields of later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- MUD 029 Cropmarks of field boundaries and/or trackways (Monument)
- CAC 072 Cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- LWT 141 Cropmarks of field boundaries, trackway, enclosures and possible former structures of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- RMR 003 Cropmarks of field system (Monument)
- SOL 010 Cropmarks of large coaxial field system (Monument)
- LUD 017 Cropmarks of later prehistoric or Roman field system (Monument)
- COR 058 Cropmarks of multi-period field boundaries (Monument)
- LWT 285 Cropmarks of multi-phase ditches and boundaries (Monument)
- ASY 002 Cropmarks of multi-phase field system, enclosures and trackways (Monument)
- LWT 304 Cropmarks of multiphase ditches (Monument)
- GSE 083 Cropmarks of parish boundary and possible field boundaries (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- LWT 295 Cropmarks of possible ditches of unknown date (Monument)
- SOL 056 Cropmarks of possible enclosure of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
- CAC 065 Cropmarks of possible Iron Age to Roman or medieval date fields (Monument)
- MUD 021 Cropmarks of possible Iron Age-Roman ditches (Monument)
- LWT 287 Cropmarks of possible later prehistoric or Roman enclosures and boundaries (Monument)
- CAC 076 Cropmarks of possible medieval to post medieval enclosures and/or fields (Monument)
- LWT 289 Cropmarks of possible medieval to post medieval field boundaries (Monument)
- LUD 055 Cropmarks of possible prehistoric enclosure (Monument)
- SOL 035 Cropmarks of possible Roman settlement site (Monument)
- MUD 024 Cropmarks of probable medieval to post medieval field boundaries (Monument)
- BLN 042 Cropmarks of undated and fragmentary ditches (Monument)
- LWT 208 Cropmarks of undated ditches (Monument)
- FTN 018 Cropmarks of undated ditches and fragmentary enclosures (Monument)
- CAC 074 Cropmarks of undated ditches and fragmentary field boundaries (Monument)
- CAC 077 Cropmarks of undated ditches and medieval to post medieval boundaries (Monument)
- FTN 019 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
- OUL 022 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
- COR 057 Cropmarks of undated, but probably medieval to post medieval fields (Monument)
- MUD 025 Earthwork enclosures of unknown date (Monument)
- MUD 023 Earthworks and cropmarks associated with Mutford Church and Common (Monument)
- MUD 022 Earthworks in the vicinity of Mutford Hall (Monument)
- OUL 028 Earthworks of medieval to post medieval enclosures, platform and field boundaries (Monument)
- GSE 080 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
- GSE 081 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
- GSE 082 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
- GSE 085 Earthworks of possible post medieval drainage ditches (Monument)
- SOL 015 Earthworks within Somerleyton Park (Monument)
- LUD 016 Extensive area of coaxial and rectilinear field systems, trackways and enclosures of unknown, but feasibly Roman date (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- COR 012 Field system of rectilinear form of unknown date. (Monument)
- LWT 206 Former medieval to post medieval boundary (Monument)
- LWT 205 Former medieval to post medieval earthworks associated with Gunton Old Hall (LWT 022) (Monument)
- SOL 008 Group of ring ditches of uncertain date and function (Monument)
- SOL 002 Large field system of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- FTN 017 Medieval enclosures, boundaries and tracks around Flixton Old Hall and Church (Monument)
- MUD 027 Medieval post medieval boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
- FTN 010 Multi-period field system cropmarks (Monument)
- CAC 079 Multi-period field systems, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
- BLN 007 Multiphase cropmarks of enclosures, fields and trackways (Monument)
- BLN 054 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- BLN 047 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- OUL 026 Parish boundary bank (Monument)
- CAC 057 Possible cropmarks of undated ditches (Monument)
- SOL 048 Possible linear and rectilinear ditches of uncertain origin, date and function (Monument)
- SOL 051 Possible linear uncertain origin, date and function (Monument)
- KSS 092 Possible Romano-British field system (Monument)
- KSS 091 Possible Romano-British field system and enclosure (Monument)
- KSS 090 Possible Romano-British villa complex (Monument)
- BNB 007 Post Medieval earthwork ditches, part of a drainage system. (Monument)
- MUD 028 Probable Medieval platform and enclosures adjacent Mutford Common (Monument)
- SOL 055 Probable post medieval plantation bank/boundary in grounds of Herringfleet Hall (Monument)
- COR 013 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
- GSE 074 Roman/Saxon buried soil and prehistoric features, 1 Pinbush Road (Monument)
- CAC 063 Site of enclosures, fields and trackways of potential Roman to medieval-post medieval date (Monument)
- CAC 064 Site of fields of predominantly medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- SOL 037 Site of former field boundary or track of probable post medieval date (Monument)
- BLN 037 Site of former medieval to post medieval earthworks (Monument)
- CAC 059 Site of former possible medieval to post medieval enclosure or infilled moated site (Monument)
- SOL 036 Site of fragmentary field system cropmarks of uncertain date (Monument)
- SOL 039 Site of fragmentary, undated cropmarks in northwest corner of Somerleyton Park (Monument)
- GSE 075 Site of linear banks and ditches of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
- CAC 067 Site of medieval to post medieval features associated with Carlton Hall (Monument)
- LWT 286 Site of multiphase fragmentary enclosures, field boundaries and trackways (Monument)
- CAC 066 Site of possible field boundarys and trackways (Monument)
- SOL 038 Site of possible fragments of field systems of unknown date (Monument)
- SOL 044 Site of post medieval track or green lane (Monument)
- SOL 050 Site of probable field boundaries of uncertain date (Monument)
- HRF 004 Site of probable rectilinear enclosure of unknown date (Monument)
- SOL 014 Site of probably medieval to post medieval field boundaries and land divisions (Monument)
- SOL 033 Site of undated linear ditches (Monument)
- CAC 056 Soilmarks and cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- BLN 027 The cropmarks of enclosures or fields of unknown, but possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- COR 059 The former earthworks of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- KSS 103 Undated curvilinear ditch soilmark (Monument)
- KSS 102 Undated earthwork ditch and banks (Monument)
- KSS 098 Undated earthwork ditches (Monument)
- KSS 100 Undated earthwork ditches (Monument)
- BLN 048 Undated enclosures (Monument)
- KSS 089 Undated field boundary cropmarks (Monument)
- KSS 087 Undated fragmentary field boundary cropmarks (Monument)
- KSS 086 Undated fragmentary cropmarks (Monument)
- RMR 022 Undated fragmentary cropmarks (Monument)
- KSS 088 Undated fragmentary field boundary cropmarks (Monument)
- KSS 094 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
- GSE 078 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
- RMR 017 Undated linear cropmarks, possible trackway (Monument)
- RMR 018 Undated linear cropmarks, possible trackways (Monument)
- RMR 016 Undated linear ditches (Monument)
- MUD 019 Woodland boundaries (Monument)
Record last edited
Jan 14 2025 11:14AM