Source/Archive record SSF55627 - Archaeology in Suffolk 2013
Title | Archaeology in Suffolk 2013 |
Author/Originator | Brudenell, M. & Plouviez, J. |
Date/Year | 2014 |
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History | XXXXIII (2), 263-290 |
Referenced Monuments (282)
- SNH 038 Land at Walk Farm, Croft Lane, Stratton Hall, Ipswich (Monument)
- BNH 083 Single undated pit AW PIPELINE - Trench 16 (NPS) (Monument)
- BED 019 'Field 2' (Rom) (PAS find)
- IPS 716 110-112 Handford Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
- LWT 191 19th century clay extraction pits at Roman Hill (Monument)
- WKB 045 19th century pond and roadside ditch at Gifford's Hall (Monument)
- LMD 219 19th to 20th century Maltings at Westgate Street (Monument)
- GLG 035 19th-20th century boundary ditches at Runway Farm, Parham Airfield, Great Glemham (Monument)
- BAA 029 4 Back Lane, Badwell Ash (Monument)
- PKM 087 A large hollow with Roman pottery AW PIPELINE Trench 113 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 094 A medieval ditch and an undated ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 77 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 041 A post-medieval hollow or large pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 45 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 090 A post-medieval pit and ditch and a number of undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 9 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 051 A probable prehistoric field system at Solar Farm, Thetford Road, Fakenham Magna, EVAL (OAE) (Monument)
- FKM 047 A single prehistoric ditch, AW PIPELINE - Trench 39 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 046 A single prehistoric hollow/pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 40 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 078 A single undated ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 22 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 049 A single undated pit or ditch terminal: AW PIPELINE - Trench 37 (NPS) (Monument)
- DEN 011 Ablution blocks and air raid shelters, RAF Horham, Low Road, Denham (Monument)
- DBN 148 Air Raid Shelters, Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School, School Corner, Debenham (Monument)
- BAR 097 Alluvial layers and medieval pottery AW PIPELINE - Trench 74 (NPS) (Monument)
- IPS 725 Alnesbourne Crescent, Ipswich. (Monument)
- WTH 038 An assemblage of 35 objects (PAS find)
- GLG 036 Anglo-Saxon coin (sceatta) (PAS find)
- HXN 077 Anglo-saxon coin, c. 715-760 (PAS find)
- ADT 018 Anglo-Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- BUR 036 Anglo-Saxon metalwork, possible early cemetery grave goods and 10th century finds (PAS find)
- KTD 019 Anglo-Saxon Settlement (Monument)
- RGH 073 Archaeological features of various dates, AW PIPELINE Trench 159 (NPS) (Monument)
- MNL 705 Aspal Lane, Beck Row, Mildenhall (Monument)
- BAR 083 AW PIPELINE - Trench 069, 70, 71, 82, 83, (85 and 86 not excavated), 90, 91 (NPS) (Revoked Record)
- FRS 001 Barbers Point (Sax) (Monument)
- BNH 092 Bronze / Iron Age Pit and undated ditch: AW PIPELINE - Trench 7 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 100 Bronze Age / Iron Age pit - Trench 68 (NPS) (Monument)
- IKL 197 Bronze Age and Romano-British enclosure and occupation (Monument)
- DBN 132 Bronze Age Cremations and Early Anglo Saxon Pits at Cherry Tree Public House, Debenham (Monument)
- BNH 087 Bronze Age ditch: AW PIPELINE - Trench 12 (NPS) (Monument)
- EUN 041 Bronze Age pit: AW PIPELINE - Trench 36 (NPS) (Monument)
- SUT 224 Bronze mould for socketed axe (PAS find)
- BUN 101 Burials at St Mary's Church, Bungay (Monument)
- HRK 041 Church of St Mary (Monument)
- IPS 729 Church of St Mary-le-Tower, Tower Street, Ipswich, (IAS 0902) (Monument)
- IKW 006 Churchyard, St Mary's Church, Ickworth, (Mesolithic-Modern). (Monument)
- GSE 088 Coin of Athelstan c.827 and early brooch fragment (PAS find)
- IPS 712 Coltsfoot Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
- BML 036 Complete polished flint axe (PAS find)
- NKT 051 Copper-alloy core from Iron Age plated stater (PAS find)
- PKM 078 Ditch with two goat skeletons AW PIPELINE Trench 123 (NPS) (Monument)
- ELV 085 Early and Late Iron Age settlement and agricultural activity, A11 - EXC AREA 10 (Monument)
- EXG 101 Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery and possible prehistoric features, Land South of Burwell Road, Exning, Suffolk (Monument)
- FML 075 Early Bronze Age pit and post medieval features at Land at Mount Pleasant (Monument)
- RGH 070 Early Bronze Age pit and undated post hole AW PIPELINE Trench 177 (NPS) (Monument)
- CDD 070 Early Neolithic pits and Middle Bronze Age pits and Postholes at Shrubland Quarry eastern extension, Coddenham (Monument)
- HTT 037 Elm Farm, Hessett, (Mesolithic). (PAS find)
- LKH 360 Field L25 Land off Eriswell Road, Lakenheath, EVAL (OAE) (Monument)
- LKH 361 Field L26 Land off Eriswell Road, Lakenheath, EVAL (OAE) EVAL (PCA) (Monument)
- BAC 034 Field North West of Bacton Hall, Bacton (2), (Mesolithic) (PAS find)
- MCK 018 Findspot of a Roman bronze coin and an Anglo-Saxon silver coin. (PAS find)
- STT 051 Findspot seal matrix. (PAS find)
- IPS 717 Former Fire Station, Colchester Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
- LVM 100 Gold Iron Age stater (PAS find)
- EXG 103 Gold Iron Age stater (PAS find)
- HAD 144 Hadleigh Quarry, Peyton Hall, Hadleigh, (Monument)
- HOO 014 Hall Farm, Hoo, Suffolk (Monument)
- BOT 030 Hollyclose/Dental Surgery, The Drift, Botesdale, (Monument)
- BNG 020 IA and Roman ditches, Land South of Hopton Road, Barningham, Suffolk (Monument)
- MNL 142 IA coins and terret ring (Find Spot)
- MNL 142 IA coins and terret ring (PAS find)
- IPS 749 Icehouse at Holywells Park, Ipswich. (Monument)
- FEX 310 Interim Visitor Centre, Landguard Viewing Area, Felixstowe (Monument)
- BUS 009 Ipswich and Thetford wares, Saxon and Medieval finds (PAS find)
- BNH 069 Iron Age / Roman features. North Farm, Barnham (BNH 069). (Monument)
- FXL 064 Iron Age coin, the second example of an early face/horse type from this field (PAS find)
- CDD 070 Iron Age occupation including round houses, post bult structures, pits and clay extraction pits at Shrubland quarry, eastern extension (Monument)
- BAR 091 Iron Age pit and post-medieval ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 80 (NPS) (Monument)
- NTT 017 Iron Age silver coin (PAS find)
- HLY 119 Iron Age stater (contemporary copy) (PAS find)
- FSF 074 Iron Age strap union (PAS find)
- SNP 103 Iron Age, Roman and Saxon Features at Land North of Blyth Houses, Church Road, Snape, Suffolk (Monument)
- FAS 051 Land adjacent to Arden House, The Street, Fornham All Saints. (Monument)
- KTD 018 Land at Gazeley Road, Kentford at Gazeley Road, Kentford (Monument)
- LVM 063 Land at Laneham Yard, Church Street, Lavenham, Suffolk (Monument)
- CAA 032 Land at Ullswater Road, Campsea Ash, (Prehistoric-Roman). (Monument)
- CLA 079 Land East of The Granary, Stoke Road, Clare (Monument)
- GFD 044 Land North of Lion Road, Glemsford (Monument)
- FAS 050 Land North-West of Bury St Edmunds, Fornham All Saints (Monument)
- FXL 061 Land off Felixtowe Road, Foxhall, Suffolk (Monument)
- SXM 030 Land Off Rendham Road, Saxmundham, Suffolk (Monument)
- WKM 037 Land south of Featherbroom Gardens, Wickham Market (Monument)
- BGL 049 Land west of Church Cottages, Brightwell (Monument)
- SUE 113 Land west of Lodge Farm, Sudbourne (Monument)
- BNT 067 Late Bronze Age Hoard (PAS find)
- RGH 069 Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age features AW PIPELINE Trench 176 (NPS) (Monument)
- LWT 182 Late Medieval and Post Medieval features, The Harris Middle School and St. Margaret's Primary School, Lowestoft (Monument)
- LVM 080 Late medieval to early post medieval dyeing workshop at The Swan Hotel (Monument)
- SUY 113 Late post medieval pottery scatter at 1 Christopher Lane (Find Spot)
- BRD 225 Late post-medieval pitting and cesspit, The Bell Inn, High Street, Brandon, Suffolk (Monument)
- CAM 058 Late Prehistoric pit, Iron Age Pits and Post Medieval ditches identified during evaluation at Marston Pit (Monument)
- BAR 095 Late Saxon - medieval features and a possible Roman ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 76 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRD 226 Late Saxon / early medieval ditches and undated feature, 80 London Road, Brandon, EVAL (ASOL) (Monument)
- FEX 311 Later Prehistoric features, Grove Road Medical Centre, Felixstowe (Monument)
- FML 076 Later prehistoric, Roman and undated ditches at Mills Meadow Residential Home (Monument)
- CLA 066 Link with gilded front from the 8th century (PAS find)
- BSE 428 Linnets Garage, Mainwater Lane, Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
- IPS 261 Lovetofts, Ipswich. (Monument)
- BRD 227 Medieval agricultural remains (Monument)
- MNL 674 Medieval and post-medieval features and buildings 16 Mill Street, Mildenhall (Monument)
- BSE 423 Medieval clay wall and early post medieval platform feature at 33 Southgate Street (Monument)
- WCB 074 Medieval decorative plaque, pottery and other metalwork (PAS find)
- ELO 013 Medieval ditch system and post medieval field boundaries at Ellough Airfield (Monument)
- ETT 022 Medieval Features at land adjacent to Hazelwood, The Street, Elmsett (Monument)
- GSG 041 Medieval features at Oak House Farm, Mill Street, Gislingham (Monument)
- DUN 099 Medieval features including an oven, Land Land at St James Street, Dunwich (Monument)
- RDE 016 Medieval features, Church Field, Rede (Monument)
- BSE 381 Medieval features, Manson House, Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
- BRM 017 Medieval lead seal matrix (PAS find)
- BLL 016 Medieval metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- BSE 424 Medieval pit (Monument)
- BSE 422 Medieval quarrying and 19th pit and well identified at 70 Northgate Street (Monument)
- NTT 018 Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
- ONW 028 Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
- OUS 015 Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
- ISA 013 Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
- LMD 194 Mid-Late Iron Age/Roman ditches and a Roman field system (Monument)
- ADT 024 Multi period artefact scatter (PAS find)
- IPS 718 Nacton Road Site, Ipswich (Monument)
- IPS 719 Nacton Road Site, Ipswich. (Monument)
- KTD 020 Natural and Post Medieval features at Meddler Stud, Kentford. (Monument)
- SUT 022 Near Sutton Hall (Rom) (Monument)
- REY 072 Neolithic domestic activity, Reydon Farm, Quay Lane (Monument)
- MUN 051 Neolithic flint at Moulton Paddocks Starting Track (Monument)
- BUN 105 Old Grammar School Playing Field, Bungay, (Mesolithic-Post Medieval) (Monument)
- HXN 074 OUTLINE RECORD: Barrel Vaulted Tomb, Church of St Peter and St Paul (Allocated Number)
- BXF 029 OUTLINE RECORD: Two possible medieval ditches, SAND HILL - EVAL (OAE) (Monument)
- ELV 086 OUTLINE RECORD: A11 - EXC (PRE-CONSTRUCT) AREA 11 (Allocated Number)
- PLS 043 OUTLINE RECORD: Alluvial sediements, BRAMFORD TO TWINSTEAD - BH E - (OAE) (Monument)
- MTT 045 OUTLINE RECORD: Mettingham Church South Porch (Allocated Number)
- ACT 033 OUTLINE RECORD: Multi-period activity at Chilton Woods, Acton (Monument)
- FLN 091 OUTLINE RECORD: Prehistoric and Roman activity at FLIXTON QUARRY EXTENSION - EXC (SB) (Monument)
- KDG 046 OUTLINE RECORD: Roman enclosure system at STOURMEAD CLOSE - EVAL (PCA) (Monument)
- IPS 722 OUTLINE RECORD: Two phases of Roman activity, FORMER FIRE STATION, IPSWICH. (Monument)
- RBK 030 Parallel ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 168 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 082 Pit containing fragments of Medieval tile AW PIPELINE Trench 118 (NPS) (Monument)
- FNG 041 Polished flint axe (PAS find)
- BML 041 Polished flint axe (PAS find)
- CAM 061 Polished stone axe (PAS find)
- HVH 065 Possible Late Iron Age or Roman roundhouse at Plot 1, Ann Suckling Road (Monument)
- RBK 028 Possible Post Medieval field boundary AW PIPELINE Trench 173 (NPS) (Monument)
- WLB 086 Post -medieval ditches, at land of the Street, Walberswick (Monument)
- MNL 695 Post hole and surface, Shrubland House, Kings Street, Mildenhall (Monument)
- PKM 077 Post medieval and undated post holes AW PIPELINE Trench 124 (NPS) (Monument)
- WRE 025 Post medieval ditch and pit, and undated pit at Wrentham Hall, Church Street (Monument)
- TUN 032 Post medieval ditch at Land west of Street Farm (Monument)
- BNH 089 Post Medieval ditch AW PIPELINE -Trench 10 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 074 Post medieval ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 128 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 091 Post medieval ditch: AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 94 (NPS) (Monument)
- LMD 221 Post medieval ditches, 42 High Street, Long Melford, Suffolk (Monument)
- LWL 030 Post medieval features, Land Adjacent Street Farm, Lawshall (Monument)
- DAR 027 Post medieval features, Land behind Station Garage, Main Road (Monument)
- LWT 193 Post medieval field boundary and Neolithic flake at Northern Spine Road (Monument)
- ADB 187 Post medieval pits (Monument)
- BLB 089 Post medieval pits and a yard surface, Byfield Cottage, Chapel Road (Monument)
- HAD 142 Post medieval pond and wall, Toppesfield Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh, (BRIT ARCH) MON (Monument)
- NDM 035 Post Medieval Wall and modern Rubbish pits at 46-48 High Street, Needham Market (Monument)
- BAR 090 Post-medieval ditch : AW PIPELINE - Trench 81 (NPS) (Monument)
- EYE 117 Post-medieval ditch, Land at Langton Grove Farm, Langton Green, Eye, Suffolk (Monument)
- WRE 027 Post-medieval ditches and tower mill foundation Cedar Cycles, Tower Mills, Wrentham (Monument)
- SWD 070 Post-medieval featues, No 8 East Street, Southwold, Suffolk (PMed) (Monument)
- NAC 111 Post-medieval features at former Amberfield School (Monument)
- BRG 068 Post-medieval pit -AW PIPELINE Trench 144 NPS (Monument)
- BAR 099 Post-medieval pit : AW PIPELINE - Trench 72 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 071 Post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 161 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 034 Post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 164 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 069 Post-medieval plough scars - AW PIPELINE Trench 143 NPS (Monument)
- HXN 062 Post-medieval pottery, finds and rubbish pits, 'The Story of Hoxne' (Monument)
- PKM 071 Prehistoric ditch and a post-medieval ditch: AW PIPELINE Trench 132 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 045 Prehistoric layer and pit, also an undated ditch and gully, AW PIPELINE - Trench 41 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 081 Prehistoric pit AW PIPELINE Trench 119 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 088 Prehistoric pit or gully terminal AW PIPELINE - Trench 11 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 027 Probable Prehistoric ditch AW PIPELINE - Trench 175 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 069 Proposed Borrow Pit, North Farm, Barnham, (Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
- WBG 086 Quay Church, Woodbridge (Building)
- SUT 022 Roman and Saxon metalwork (PAS find)
- BAR 087 Roman and undated features: AW PIPELINE - Trench 88 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 047 Roman artefact scatter, including an incomplete figurine depicting Mercury (PAS find)
- BSE 452 Roman cockerel brooch (PAS find)
- CRM 048 Roman coins and a brooch (PAS find)
- PKM 086 Roman ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 114 (Monument)
- PKM 075 Roman ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 126 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRR 054 Roman farmstead features at Land Adjacent to The Green (Monument)
- FEX 285 Roman features and finds at Philip Avenue, Felixstowe (Monument)
- CAA 031 Roman field system and other multi-period activity (Monument)
- WMH 005 Roman finger ring and brooch; IA and Saxon metalwork (PSIAH 2016) (PAS find)
- CLA 083 Roman lead plaque (PAS find)
- RGV 058 Roman metalwork including coins and foreign brooch (PAS find)
- BDG 012 Roman pottery and metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- FRS 001 Roman settlement debris and Prehistoric and Medieval finds at Barbers Point (Monument)
- FKM 038 Roman, Saxon and undated features: AW PIPELINE - Trench 048A (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 065 Saxon - medieval ditch and two undated ditches - AW PIPELINE Trench 147 NPS (Monument)
- WCB 073 Saxon coin scatter (across field), tremissis and sceatta (PAS find)
- CDD 070 Saxon Graves and Post medieval ditch and Gravel extraction pit at Shrubland Quarry eastern extension (Monument)
- BRA 006 Saxon metalwork scatter (Sax) (PAS find)
- RGH 072 Saxon-medieval and post-medieval features: AW PIPELINE Trench 160 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 079 Scatter of iron nails and post medieval roof tile AW PIPELINE Trench 122 (NPS) (Monument)
- WRW 003 Seal matrix (PAS find)
- WMH 005 See Artifact type for full list of artefacts - Roman (and BACKLOG) (Confidential Monument)
- PSG 021 Silver coin (sceatta) c.710-765 (PAS find)
- CAM 062 Silver coin, c.680-700 (PAS find)
- WGW 029 Silver coin, sceatta, c.700-715 (PAS find)
- FKM 043 Single Iron Age gully, AW PIPELINE - Trench 43 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 097 Single Iron Age Pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 2 (NPS) (Monument)
- SAP 016 Single large post-medieval pit, AW PIPELINE - Trench 55 (NPS) (Monument)
- LKH 363 Single Medieval pit at Field L27, Eriswell Road (Monument)
- RBK 026 Single Post Medieval ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 184 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 094 Single post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE -Trench 5 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 036 Single pre post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 162 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 033 Single pre post-medieval pit: AW PIPELINE Trench 165 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 057 Single probably natural pit like feature, AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 157 NPS (Monument)
- PKM 069 Single undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 137 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 044 Single undated ditch, AW PIPELINE - Trench 42 (NPS) (Monument)
- RGH 074 Single undated ditch, AW PIPELINE Trench 158 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 039 Single undateded ditch: AW PIPELINE - Trench 048 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 085 Six undated pits AW PIPELINE Trench 115 (NPS) (Monument)
- EUN 042 Six worked flints AW PIPELINE - Trench 27 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BUN 106 Small medieval/late-medieval pottery assemblage (Find Spot)
- BKY 032 Small side-socketed spearhead, Middle Bronze Age type (PAS find)
- FEX 294 South Seafront and Martello Tower P, Felixstowe (Monument)
- BSD 018 The Bridge School, Sprites Lane, Belstead, (Prehistoric - Roman). (Monument)
- BSE 432 The Clock House, 109 Northgate Street (Monument)
- IPS 664 Thomas Wolsey School, Ipswich. (Monument)
- FKM 042 Three undated linear features, AW PIPELINE - Trench 44 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 040 Three undateded ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 047 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 070 Three worked flints - AW PIPELINE Trench 135 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BNH 080 Three worked flints and a core, AW PIPELINE - Trench 19 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- NKT 035 Trainer's House, The Palace House Stables (Monument)
- BRG 066 Two ditches of Saxon to medieval date - AW PIPELINE Trench 146 NPS (Monument)
- BNH 091 Two graves of Saxon to medieval data and a pit/ditch of prehistoic date AW PIPELINE - Trench 8 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 093 Two Iron Age ditches and two undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 78 (NPS) (Monument)
- CHB 011 Two medieval ditches - MON (PCA) (Monument)
- ELV 088 Two Middle Bronze Age cremation burials: A11 - WB (PCA)- AREA 8 (Monument)
- RBK 025 Two Post Medieval field boundary ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 185 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 035 Two pre post-medieval features, AW PIPELINE Trench 163 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 079 Two prehistoric features and three undated features, AW PIPELINE - Trench 20 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 092 Two prehistoric post holes: AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 93 (NPS) (Monument)
- HVH 083 Two Roman ditches and possible enclosure at Ann Suckling Road. (Monument)
- PKM 080 Two sherds of prehistoric pottery and a single worked flint, AW PIPELINE Trench 134 (NPS) (Find Spot)
- BAR 096 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 75 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 092 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE - Trench 79 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 086 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 112 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 093 Two undated ditches probably pre post-medieval in date, AW PIPELINE - Trench 6 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 089 Two undated ditches: AW PIPELINE - Trench 84 (NPS) (Monument)
- BNH 096 Two undated pits, AW PIPELINE Trench 3 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 089 Undated and possible Roman and Bronze Age to Iron Age features AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 104 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 087 Undated and post medieval ditches AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 110 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 083 Undated and Roman features AW PIPELINE Trench 117 (NPS) (Monument)
- PKM 067 Undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 139 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 070 Undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 142 NPS (Monument)
- BRG 064 Undated ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 148 NPS (Monument)
- PKM 073 Undated ditch and possible gully or ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 129 (NPS) (Monument)
- IXW 090 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 103 (Monument)
- PKM 076 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 125 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 031 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 167 (Monument)
- PKM 072 Undated ditch or pit and lithic scatter AW PIPELINE Trench 131 (NPS) (Monument)
- MUN 049 Undated ditch, and post holes, New Stamina Track, Moulton Paddocks, Moulton (Monument)
- BRG 058 Undated ditch, AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 156 NPS (Monument)
- BMF 024 Undated ditch, Glue Pot Farm, Bramfield - EVAL (SCCAS) (Monument)
- LWT 192 Undated ditch, Land off Till Road, Lowestoft (Monument)
- STT 060 Undated ditch, Saxon House, Church Lane (Monument)
- BAR 088 Undated ditch: AW PIPELINE - EVAL Tr 87 (NPS) (Monument)
- TYN 126 Undated ditches at Mushroom Farm (Monument)
- IXW 088 Undated pit AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 105 (Monument)
- PKM 068 Undated pit - AW PIPELINE Trench 138 (NPS) (Monument)
- BRG 067 Undated pit and ditch - AW PIPELINE Trench 145 NPS (Monument)
- RBK 029 Undated pit and ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 170 (NPS) (Monument)
- BAR 086 Undated pit AW PIPELINE - Trench 89 (NPS) (Monument)
- RBK 032 Undated pit AW PIPELINE Trench 166 (NPS) (Monument)
- FKM 037 Undated pit: AW PIPELINE - Trench 051 (NPS) (Monument)
- WGN 047 Worlington Quarry, Worlington (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Jan 16 2025 1:25PM