Thesaurus Term/Concept: FIELD SYSTEM

Identifier 68633
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A group or complex of fields which appear to form a coherent whole. Use more specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (8)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (8)

Instances/Examples (558)

Context Record
Monument Type MSF14819 "Field F638 and F639" Waldringfield (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8096 A ditched field system, small square enclosure and possible crofts of possible medieval date are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, across C… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8235 A ditched trackway and field boundaries or enclosure of possible prehistoric date are visible in the grounds of Stutton Park, Stutton parish (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4115 A ditched trackway and rectilinear field or enclosure are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, to the north of Capel Farm in Trimley St Martin… (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22535 A ditched trackway of possible later prehistoric date and an extensive field system of probable medieval or post-medieval date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3436 A ditched trackway, rectilinear field system and large D-shaped enclosure of unknown date can be seen on aerial photographs as cropmarks to the east … (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22637 A field system of probable medieval or post-medieval date can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, alongside possibly earlier elements, to the… (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22657 A field system of probably medieval origin can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, to the west of Home Farm, St Mary & South Elmham parish. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8098 A field system, possible crofts and small ditched enclosures of unknown date can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, Trimley St… (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25453 A group of cropmarks showing former, mainly strip type, field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12146 A group of linear ditches forming boundaries of a field system, apparently of more than one period. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3440 A possible field system and associated trackway of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the south of the railway in Stratton Hall parish (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8478 A possible field system and trackways of unknown date, Old Hall Hill, Shotley (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20028 A possible field system of unknown date is visible on aerial photographs in fields just to the north of Stratton Hall (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4817 A possible field system or unknown date is visible on aerial photographs to the south of Whinnyfield Wood in Woolverstone parish (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18911 A possible fragmentary field system, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4820 A possible Iron Age or Roman field system is visible on aerial photographs in Woolverstone Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4734 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman enclosure and associated trackways and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8476 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackway to the north of Shotley village (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19928 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways to the north of Alderton's Grove, Shotley (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14764 A possible linear trackway and field boundaries of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the north-west of Walk Farm in Stratton Hall par… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3573 A possible Prehistoric or Roman field system, west of Ferry Farm, Sutton (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10737 A Post Medieval field system is visible on aerial photographs in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes (PMed) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20456 A probable ditched field system and rectilinear enclosures are visible on aerial photographs suggested to be of Sutton parish to the west of Bromeswe… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3659 A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and associated trackways in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19942 A probable Post Medieval field system visible as cropmarks to the east of Red House Farm, Shotley (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28788 A probable prehistoric field system at Solar Farm, Thetford Road, Fakenham Magna, EVAL (OAE) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22443 A rectilinear field system of possible later prehistoric or Roman date in Stratton Hall parish can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs . (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17278 A trackway and possible field boundaries of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the north of Morston Hall, Trimley St Martin parish (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23424 A11 dualling, zone A2 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23421 A11 dualling, zone Z2 & A2 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2993 Adjacent to Trimley St Mary 9 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17153 Aerial photograph showing series of ditch earthworks(?) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16906 Aerial photograph showing sunken earthworks in meadow, possible shrunken way and a group of four small enclosures to NW (S1). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8470 An extensive Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and possible settlement site, Shotley parish (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14712 Area of earthworks (mainly ditches) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF159 Area of Medieval banks and ditches probably relating to medieval settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11131 Arrangement of small and large fields linked at E to similar system, Brundish 012, by curving ?trackway on N side, which follows the parish boundary. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF18064 Back Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24435 Base Perimeter Road, RAF Mildenhall (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11533 Baythorn Lodge (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1360 Benacre Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33593 Boundaries, tracks and possible cultivation marks of probably post medieval date on Iken Heath (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26818 Brick kilns and wash pits at Wash Pits Field, Bardwell Road, Euston, Suffolk (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37654 Bronze Age cremations and later prehistoric and Saxon-Medieval activity at Fitzgerald Rd, Bramford (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37811 Bronze Age, Saxon-early medieval, and post medieval activity at Land off Loraine Way, Bramford (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4684 Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9464 Butley Abbey: Butley Priory (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3475 Byfords; Church Farm `Top' & `Bottom' (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23489 Canada (Monument)
Monument Type MSF27386 Capel Hall Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11893 Carr Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26736 Cedar's Park phase 4A (north East), Stowmarket, medieval (Med) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9839 Chalk Hill Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2851 Chippenhall Hall (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2304 Church Walks; OS Field 0033 (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4325 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27237 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8237 Complex field system with a number of intersecting rectilinear field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8213 Complex field system with trackways. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3425 Complex field system, consisting of 2 phases of trackway, ring ditches and numerous circular pits all of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17351 Complex of at least two phases of irregular field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16490 Complex of cropmarks of series of field boundaries and trackways. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12290 Complex of ice-wedges and linear marks foring a field system, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11397 Complex of sinuous trackways and rectilinear field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3657 Complex of sinuous trackways and rectilinear field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3469 Complex rectilinear field system and ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5620 Complex rectilinear field system with many overlapping field boundaries and the suggestion of several rectangular fields. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF18143 Concentration of burnt flint and excavated features (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3133 Copy Low (1886 & 1904) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24833 Cowfen Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27662 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27736 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27744 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27747 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25883 Crop marks showing a possible old field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3447 Cropmark complex based upon a curvilinear enclosure TYN 028 of a rough sub- square shape, circa 60m across, with entrance to S and having projecting … (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27326 Cropmark complex with enclosures, trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27476 Cropmark of a possible settlment site and rectilinear field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45681 Cropmark of ditched trackway and fields. (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27328 Cropmark of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34486 Cropmark of field boundaries of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17803 Cropmark of park(?) and field boundaries of at least two phases. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5082 Cropmark of possible long barrow (115 x 25 paces), W of Stratford Hall. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17277 Cropmark of possible trackway and field system seen on air photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17478 Cropmark of various field boundaries, enclosures and a trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27335 Cropmark of various field boundaries, enclosures and a trackway. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25454 Cropmarks strip fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25036 Cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27366 Cropmarks and soilmarks of a field system of unknown but possible Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27587 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27597 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27782 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27351 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of possible Roman to Post Medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27450 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of uncertain date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27574 Cropmarks and soilmarks of undated field boundaries and possible fragmentary enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27573 Cropmarks and soilmarks of undated field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16551 Cropmarks and various undated metal detector finds from area of large Rom settlement - see site reports for details (S1). (Un) (Confidential Monument)
Monument Type MSF8231 Cropmarks for linear ditches, enclosures and trackway, Stutton (Monument)
Monument Type MSF15244 Cropmarks of undated field system and possible settlement site (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4690 Cropmarks of a rectilinear field system with trackways. (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27200 Cropmarks of a field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27468 Cropmarks of a field system and a possible curvilinear enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27333 Cropmarks of a field system and a rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27463 Cropmarks of a field system and associated trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27459 Cropmarks of a field system and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27469 Cropmarks of a field system and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27406 Cropmarks of a field system and series of ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF15223 Cropmarks of a field system and settlement of probable prehistoric or Roman date, Ramsholt parish (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27367 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27481 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3650 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of probable later prehistoric and/or Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27368 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of unknown but possible Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16613 Cropmarks of a field system(?) with a trackway leading to E. (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27352 Cropmarks of a fragmentary field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27363 Cropmarks of a fragmented field system, ditches and trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27319 Cropmarks of a large rectilinear enclosure, field system, trackway and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3477 Cropmarks of a major system of enclosures, trackways and boundary ditches of possible Roman or medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27429 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure with field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27341 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure, trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27417 Cropmarks of a possible trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27309 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27428 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure or field system, several field boundaries, trackways and enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27235 Cropmarks of a road and field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27355 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27407 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27412 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and a possible enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27354 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and a possible incomplete enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16612 Cropmarks of a series of small rectangular, shaped fields(?) in a line N of `The Norfolks' woodland (S1). (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27386 Cropmarks of a series of strip fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27398 Cropmarks of a trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27364 Cropmarks of a trackway, field boundaries, and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11532 Cropmarks of a winding trackway and other features of unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22116 Cropmarks of an enclosed settlement of probable Roman, or Iron Age to Roman, date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27267 Cropmarks of an enclosure and fields, possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27370 Cropmarks of an extensive complex system of fields... (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34712 Cropmarks of boundary ditches and fields of possible Iron Age to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24826 Cropmarks of D-Shaped enclosure and assiated field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34480 Cropmarks of ditches, field boundaries of unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27796 Cropmarks of enclosures and fields of possible Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF46568 Cropmarks of enclosures and fiels system of probable Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF46599 Cropmarks of enclosures and trackways, N of Mill River (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27266 Cropmarks of enclosures, tracks and fields of later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27322 Cropmarks of extensive field boundaries, trackway and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27390 Cropmarks of extensive field systems (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27375 Cropmarks of extensive field systems, trackway and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27792 Cropmarks of faint linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27424 Cropmarks of field boundaries (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27517 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27306 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27435 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27436 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32154 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a possible trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27369 Cropmarks of field boundaries and an extractive pit (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33468 Cropmarks of field boundaries and possible enclosures of unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27658 Cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27353 Cropmarks of field boundaries or a possible incomplete enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27384 Cropmarks of field boundaries, a rectilinear enclosure, and possible trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27523 Cropmarks of field boundaries/trackways and enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27725 Cropmarks of field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17693 Cropmarks of field system and possible trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27307 Cropmarks of field system with a series of pits (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2707 Cropmarks of field system, or possible settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27371 Cropmarks of field systems and a trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27380 Cropmarks of former field boundaries and a possible wood boundary (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33481 Cropmarks of fragmentary and multi-phase fields and enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27374 Cropmarks of fragmented field boundaries, short ditches and possible trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11398 Cropmarks of irregular linear features (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27305 Cropmarks of large coaxial field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27275 Cropmarks of later prehistoric or Roman field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27565 Cropmarks of linear ditches and possible enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27564 Cropmarks of linear ditches and possible trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12113 Cropmarks of linear ditches comprising field boundaries, some of which align with surviving hedge boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27261 Cropmarks of multi-period field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27370 Cropmarks of multi-phase field system, enclosures and trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34487 Cropmarks of multiphase ditches and former field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2778 Cropmarks of multiphase enclosures, fields and boundaries of potential later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33467 Cropmarks of multiphase field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3656 Cropmarks of part of field system RMS 006 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31795 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31796 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32158 Cropmarks of possible field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27673 Cropmarks of possible Iron Age to Roman or medieval date fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27319 Cropmarks of possible prehistoric enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34708 Cropmarks of possible rectilinear enclosures and/or fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38087 Cropmarks of rectilinear ditch systems, trackways. (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27434 Cropmarks of several field boundaries, trackways and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27471 Cropmarks of two distinct field systems (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2760 Cropmarks of two phases of trackways, enclosures and fields of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4001 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27575 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27576 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27522 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries/trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27528 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27529 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27260 Cropmarks of undated, but probably medieval to post medieval fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17167 Cropmarks of wide droveway(?), widening/splaying to E, and adjoining group of small fields/stock enclosures S of drove at W end. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37373 Cropmarks relating to Iron Age and Roman enclosures, field boundaries and trackways excavated under ELV 085, ELV 086 (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22638 Cropmarks seen on aerial photographs reveal the remains of field boundaries, a possible trackway and a ring ditch of probable prehistoric date, Weybr… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8152 Curvilinear field bouundary with several lengths of ditch, suggesting parts of 2 narrow rectangular fields, of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8236 Curving trackway with a number of field boundaries to the E. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3829 Decoy Wood (E of) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4659 Ditch systems, mainly rectangular, of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22652 Ditched boundaries of a possible Medieval field system and crofts, visible as faint cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22653 Ditched boundaries of a possible Medieval field system, visible as faint cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22566 Ditched field system and associated tracks and enclosures, visible as extensive but fragmentary cropmarks, of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22558 Ditched field systems of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4544 Double ditch and traces of fields. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21427 Drove road and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12110 Duntons Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12149 Duntons Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8557 E of Freston Lodge (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF35351 Early Bronze Age pits and Roman ditches, Days Road, Capel St Mary (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19679 Early field system and trackways indicated by cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27591 Earthwork ditches and banks of possible deserted medieval village (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27273 Earthworks of a field system and an extractive pit (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33478 Earthworks of a field system of possible medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF44462 Earthworks of Enclosures and trackways, N of River Stour, S of Tendring Hall Farm. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF44932 Earthworks of pre-Modern field sustems, Crofts and Tofts, Knettishall Heath (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37205 Earthworks, soilmarks and cropmarks of possible settlement from the Roman, Saxon and medieval periods (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45799 Eathworks of enclosures and relict field systems in Lawn Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5096 Enclosures and ditches of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17480 Enclosures of unkown date and function, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19098 Euston-Brettenham Pipeline (Rom) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14950 Evans Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27323 Extensive area of coaxial and rectilinear field systems, trackways and enclosures of unknown, but feasibly Roman date (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5069 Extensive cropmark pattern of ditches etc, cut by "Dead Lane". (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2531 Extensive cropmark site. (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27320 Extensive cropmarks of various features (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3773 Extensive ditched field system of probable later Prehistoric or Roman date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22542 Extensive Medieval ditched field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17775 Field boundaries and footpaths of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5956 Field boundaries and rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20352 Field boundaries and trackways of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19941 Field boundaries of unknown date visible as cropmarks in fields to the north of Church End, Shotley (Monument)
Monument Type MSF18688 Field boundaries of unknown date, visibible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF13993 Field boundaries or enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17894 Field boundary comples of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8258 Field system and ? trackway circa 30m wide traversing TAT 007 and TAT 009 and surrounding TAT 008 and 010 (S1)(S2). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21494 Field system and double-ditched trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16864 Field system and possible rectangular enclosure of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5653 Field system and rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3578 Field system and ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8570 Field system and ring ditches, unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4661 Field system and track of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3468 Field system and trackway complex. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10801 Field system and trackway of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2992 Field system including a number of rectangular field boundaries, Cowpasture Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5686 Field system including rectilinear ditches of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8095 Field system including trackways and rectilinear field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4658 Field system of linear ditches and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3463 Field system of rectilinear form of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27454 Field system of regular and geometric plan. These ... (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8318 Field system of unknown date, adjacent to HRK 008. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21428 Field system of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21493 Field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3451 Field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3785 Field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5604 Field system with curving trackway. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5593 Field system with evidence of rectilinear field boundaries and a SW-NE trackway, enclosing ring ditch SBN 039 (S1-S3). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8569 Field system with rectilinear field boundaries and evidence of several trackways, unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5937 Field system with rectilinear field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8571 Field system, boundaries and ditches, unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3077 Field system, probably Med/PMed. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8234 Field system, somewhat fragmentary, in the vicinity of Holly Farm; including a length of trackway (approximately N-S) which turns E at its S end, and… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3761 Field system, trackway and possible ditched square enclosure of Prehistoric or Roman date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3752 Field system/ seires of enclosures of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20346 Field systems and trackways of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1786 Field systems of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF6058 Field systems, mostly recent. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19243 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (IA) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19244 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19248 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19251 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16865 Former field system associated with partial rectangular underground drainage of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34651 Fragmentary and dispersed multi-period cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31585 Fragmentary cropmarks of possible late prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20142 Fragments of a Post Medieval field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF29368 Gainsborough Sports and Community Centre, Braziers Wood Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21942 Gallows Hill, undated (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27527 Grassmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3401 Group of round barrows, Sutton Hoo; Sutton Mounts (BA) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12192 Groups of inter-related, curvilinear ditches of uknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2128 Grove Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19622 Grundisburgh Hall Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14622 Hemingstone Hut (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24506 Herringswell Field System (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24507 Herringswell Field System (Monument)
Monument Type MSF15177 Hill Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9812 Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19680 Hogg Earthworks; Sutton Hoo (PMed) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2672 Hollesley Bay Colony, Cropmarks (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF20663 Ickworth Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF7330 Indistinct cropmarks of possible field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18855 inear features, possibly a fragmentary field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8097 Interconnecting ditched tracks of unknown date are visible as cropmarks on Trimley Heath to the north of the A14 in Trimley St Martin parish, partial… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF46662 Iron Age and Roman activity at Eye Airfield Progress Power site (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45607 Iron Age trackway and features, and other prehistoric features, Eye Airfield Parcel 13A, (OAE) EVAL EXC (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4309 Irregularly shaped ditched enclosure and possible associated field system of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10200 Isolation hospital (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26882 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Fields 26, medieval field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3784 Kirton Hall (NW of) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3782 Kirton Lodge (W of) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5249 L shaped cropmark (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28309 Land at Ullswater Road, Campsea Ash, (Prehistoric-Roman). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25574 Land East of Days Road, Capel St. Mary, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26554 Land off Felixtowe Road, Foxhall, Suffolk (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38998 Land south of Gipping Road, Stowupland (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25121 Land South of railway line, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10781 Large & complex system of fields and trackways. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34742 Large and multi-phase area of field system, trackways and enclosures of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27288 Large field system of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31388 Late Bronze Age and Roman Field Systems, Hill Farm, Baylham (Monument)
Monument Type MSF42932 Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age field system, Land off Chapel Lane, (Monument)
Monument Type MSF30288 Late Bronze Age, Iron Age and Medieval features at Loudham Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF27867 Late Iron Age to Roman field system and Bronze Age ring ditch at Foxburrow Farm. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37843 Late Neolithic to Possible Medieval features at Barham Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38360 Later prehistoric and post-medieval activity at Land Adjacent To 96 Stowmarket Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33871 Later prehistoric field system and Medieval field system, Land East of the Street, Bramford (Monument)
Monument Type MSF35062 Later prehistoric field system at Ipswich Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF42478 Later Prehistoric or Roman occupation, Holywell Drove (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28812 Later prehistoric, Roman and undated ditches at Mills Meadow Residential Home (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26510 Laxfield Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26514 Layham Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3828 Levington Hall (N of) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3827 Levington Heath (PMed) (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27579 Linear cropmark system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1884 Linear cropmarks of a rectilinear field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3687 Linear cropmarks, trackways, possible field system/rectangular enclosures. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11915 Linear ditches of unknown date, possibly a field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12302 Linear ditches outlining a field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21040 Linear field boundaries, Portway Heave (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27556 Linear field systems and possible irregular enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22653 Lodge Close Field; Church Field; Ickworth Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22660 Long Grove Field; Ickworth Green & surrounding fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21496 Long narrow field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF40418 Medieval activity at Stowupland School, Church Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28057 Medieval agricultural remains (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22698 Medieval building platform and strip-field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF46663 Medieval ditches and pits and Post medieval field systems and ditches at Westerfield Road, Ipswich (Monument)
Monument Type MSF42582 Medieval field system, near Grundisburgh (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22586 Medieval or Post Medieval field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14750 Methersgate (Monument)
Monument Type MSF20606 Moat Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19578 Monk Soham (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5095 Mostly rectilinear field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34342 Multi period site: Land on south side of Bull Lane, Long Melford (CGMs) GEO EVAL (OAE) EXC (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27259 Multi-period field system cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27795 Multi-period field systems, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34540 Multi-phase and fragmentary cropmark field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF35613 Multi-phase, late prehistoric, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon activity, East Anglia One Area 37 (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27289 Multiphase cropmarks of enclosures, fields and trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27362 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27363 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF26868 Mushroom Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10423 Near Smallbridge Hall, Nayland with Wissington (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5591 Nether Hall Farm (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF27379 North of Candlet Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21986 Norton Road (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF282 OS Field Number 7000 (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37336 OUTLINE RECORD: Land NW of Haverhill (OAE) EXC (Allocated Number)
Monument Type MSF28769 OUTLINE RECORD: Land West of Ferry Road, Felixstowe (PCA) EVL (ASE) EXC (Allocated Number)
Monument Type MSZ27431 Pages Common Field (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4827 Pages Common Field (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5331 Parallel ditch system on the east side of the railway, of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16787 Part of a field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3934 Part of enclosure with rounded corner - suggested Rom marching camp - obscured by linear field system (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1911 Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8485 Perity (field name) (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF28766 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument)
Monument Type MSF29205 Possible Bronze Age barrows and earlier field field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33597 Possible cultivation plots on Iken Heath (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10211 Possible droveway NW of Green Farm running SE-NW and series of field boundaries in 2 fields to W and field to SW of Green Farm. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11916 Possible field boundaries and trackways of probable prehistoric date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2083 Possible field system and enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4832 Possible field system and trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18733 Possible field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18732 Possible field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23090 Possible field system on Upper Hollesley Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23089 Possible field system on Upper Hollesley Common / Sutton Common (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18941 Possible fragmentary field system of unknwn date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1088 Possible Iron Age or Roman field system, originally thought to be a cropmark of a small rectangular enclosure, suggested as a possible … (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14751 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Sutton (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14818 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Waldringfield parish. Related ditches seen during monitoring in 1999. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4823 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field systems, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12288 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman trackways and field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33639 Possible medieval common edge settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1485 Possible rectangular enclosure and rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27815 Possible rectangular enclosure and rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1314 Possible rectilinear enclosures and linear features, visible as cropmarks, probably a field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4175 Possible roadway, fields, small enclosures. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37380 Possible Roman or medieval to post medieval boundaries and fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27651 Possible Romano-British field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27652 Possible Romano-British field system and enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37151 Possible small Roman farmstead and post-medieval field system, New Processing Plant Eye Airfield (COT) EXC (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3765 Possible trackways, field boundaries and ring ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41274 Possible undated Enclosures and possible field system at Mildenhall Hub, West Row Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24405 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20407 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14100 Post medieval field boundaries, visible on 1st edition Ordnance Survey map. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9370 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22543 Post Medieval pattern of field boundaries and rectangular enclosures, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32319 Post-medieval Field Systems, Hill Farm, Baylham (Monument)
Monument Type MSF37525 Post-medieval recitlinear ditch system, Land west of London Road , Beccles (HEAD) GEO (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19780 Pre-1800 maps of (parts) Wetherden (Poorly Located Monument)
Monument Type MSF22922 Prehistoric activity at Ingham Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3771 Prehistoric field system, enclosures and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3453 Prehistoric field system, house, pit, hut circle, round house, square enclosure, builidng (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2754 Prehistoric or Roman cropmark settlement site consisting of enclosures and trackways. (Preh) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF12194 Prehistoric or Roman Ditched trackway and field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF13997 Prehistoric or Roman field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2282 Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear enclosure and associated field system, Nacton Road Ipswich. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19567 Probable field systems and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10782 Probable Iron Age or Roman settlement, north-east of Sutton Hall, Sutton parish. (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3626 Probable Iron-Age and Roman settlement and field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS22643 Probable Medieval moated site and possible associated settlement or field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF15363 Probable modern drains that have been previously described as field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20384 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3787 Probable Prehistoric ditched field system or settlement, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3627 Probable Prehistoric or Roman field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16819 RAF Lakenheath; New Dental Clinic; Oxford Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF25165 RAF Mildenhall, Washington Square, Mildenhall. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24021 Ravenswood, Former Ipswich Airfield; Nacton Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2433 Rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4058 Rectangular enclosure within Med or later field system (S1). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2848 Rectangular enclosure, unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF13629 Rectangular field boundaries or field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1763 Rectilinear cropmark system, possibly related to LUD 006 (CRN ) to which it is adjacent. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4542 Rectilinear ditch system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5051 Rectilinear ditch systems, trackways and a ring ditch of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3464 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5052 Rectilinear enclosure or field system of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23604 Rectilinear field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4686 Rectilinear field system (S1) with possible rectilinear enclosure at N end (S2). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5622 Rectilinear field system consisting of a number of scattered field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8562 Rectilinear field system including rectangualr field with central longitudinal division, unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4809 Rectilinear field system of unknown date, associated with a group of 3 ring ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8150 Rectilinear field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9872 Rectilinear field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3713 Rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4816 Rectilinear field system to NW of ring ditch WLV 002. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5085 Rectilinear field system, cut through by ? modern feature, SSM 017 (S1-S4). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5621 Rectilinear field system, suggesting some rectangular fields, as well as other field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1785 Rectilinear field system, trackway and possible ring ditch of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17947 Rectilinear pattern of ditches overlying(?) ring ditches and henge (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5775 Rectilinear systems (S1). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19122 Red Hill Road/Lady Lane (Preh) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3465 Regular and geometric field system of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10224 Remains of ? field boundary ditches from rectilinear field system, trackway and two adjoining rectangular ? Enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8323 Remains of 2 possible ditched field systems of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3768 Remains of field systems, trackways and enclosures, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33984 Remains of Late Bronze Age to predominantly Middle Iron Age agricultural activity, Land at Great Wilsey Park (MOLAN) EVAL (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3695 Remains of rectilinear field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27447 Remains of rectilinear field boundaries. These are... (Monument)
Monument Type MXS19946 Remnants of a possible field system and trackways of unknown date visible as cropmarks in Shotley parish (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20259 Remnants of a possible Post-medieval field system visible from aerial photographs (PMed) (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20403 Remnants of a possible Prehistoric or Roman field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20095 Remnants of field systems of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20387 Remnants of Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3767 Ring ditch and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17069 Ring ditch complex within traces of field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3772 Ring ditch or oval enclosure of unkown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31504 Ring ditch, IA enclosure, prehistoric pits and Roman field system at Loraine Way, Bramford (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3078 Roadway and field system, no traces on ground (R1). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34465 Roman agricultural activity and possible medieval farmstead, Land to the West of Stowmarket Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF35267 Roman and Saxon/Medieval activity, Elmswell Site 2 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8559 Roman field boundary/system and trackway to indicate remnants of a field system (Rom) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19105 Roman trackway and field system, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSF30037 Romano-British field system and Saxon activity, Woods Lane, Melton (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2751 Scheduled cropmark settlement site of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17374 Series of field boundaries and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8588 Series of field boundaries and trackways including long curving feature and ring ditches, SLY 022, 026 and 027 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16871 Seven Acre Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8214 Several field boundaries, including one long, curving ditch running approximately W-E, and some straight and rectilinear boundaries, randomly sited (… (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8333 Shadowbarn Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF15222 Short length of trackway of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16186 Shrubland Quarry phases 2 & 3; Smyes Corner (IA) (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27638 Site of enclosures, fields and trackways of potential Roman to medieval-post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27639 Site of fields of predominantly medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33436 Site of fragmentary cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27369 Site of fragmentary field system cropmarks of uncertain date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33621 Site of fragmentary linear ditches relating to a possible undated field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31847 Site of multi-phase cropmarks, possibly including settlement of Roman date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2673 Site of multi-phase settlement and enclosures, including Saxon sunken-featured buildings (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27584 Site of multiphase fragmentary enclosures, field boundaries and trackways (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27230 Site of possible fragments of field systems of unknown date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32044 Site of possible post medieval field system and undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34693 Site of possible settlement, trackways and field system of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31617 Site of possible undated field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34378 Site of probable undated field system cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31767 Site of undated field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34702 Site of undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34639 Site of undated, multi-phase field system, trackways and possible enclosures, most of probably Bronze Age to Roman period date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34743 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric and/or Roman period field system, and possible enclosures and roundhouse. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34701 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric, field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2906 Small enclosures and fields of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45715 Small field system of uncertain date was seen as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF965 Small rectangular enclosures and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF7093 Small rectangular field system and trackways of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1783 Small rectilinear field system and possible enclosures of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF952 Small sub-square enclosure of unknown date within a field system. (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27620 Soilmarks and cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14099 Soilmarks of possible field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8298 South West Rence Park Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1089 Square enclosure, possible ploughed moat, with small rectilinear field system shown on SAU APs 1975 (S2). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45804 Subtle earthworks of relict field systems in woodland, The Plantation, Ousden (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45726 Subtle earthworks of strip field cultivation, N of Brookes Corner (Monument)
Monument Type MSF45753 Subtle earthworks of water management and land divisision of probable Medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MSF13064 Sudbourne Marshes; Town Marshes (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11887 Sutton Hoo (Preh) (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27453 System of field boundaries, some forming a rectilinear pattern, also a ring ditch. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3708 System of field boundaries, some forming a rectilinear pattern, also a ring ditch. (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF10760 System of small fields of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8216 Tattingstone Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14634 The Albany, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8513). (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20354 The earthworks of a field system of medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20256 The remains of a Post Medieval field system are visible on aerial photographs of Woolverstone parish (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11874 Traces of an extensive Medieval strip field system, visible in light snow cover. (Med) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF9997 Traces of field systems of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF24483 Trackway and Field System, Ashby (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27814 Trackway and Field System, Ashby (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3825 Trackway and possible field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF15185 Trackway linked to a small rectangular enclosure and ring ditch, of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3789 Trackway of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23028 Trackway, enclosure and field systems (Monument)
Monument Type MSF3448 TraField system with possible trackways and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2999 Two Bronze-Age ring ditches, visible as cropmarks close to fragmentary cropmarks of a possible ditched field boundary. (BA) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22652 Two probable parallel field boundaries within an existing larger field of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF4176 Two rectangular enclosures, possible moat to S, pre-airfield field boundaries. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32018 Undated cropmark ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF2800 Undated ditched trackway and possible field system, Ramsholt parish (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31994 Undated former earthworks of possible field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27726 Undated fragmentary cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34356 Undated linear cropmark ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSX27710 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33626 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33627 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33646 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33648 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33649 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33629 Undated linear cropmarks; some possible field boundaries and a possible trackway. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33630 Undated linear cropmarks; some possible field boundaries and a possible trackway. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF34347 Undated linear ditches, possible trackways and enclosures (Monument)
Monument Type MSF33644 Undated linear soilmarks; probable post medieval drainage ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32034 Undated possible enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32032 Undated possible field boundaries and/or trackway (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17529 Unknown Trackway with associated adjoining field boundaries of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21048 Valley Farm (Med) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF1394 Valley Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8229 Various linear field boundaries and lengths of trackway transecting the three ring ditches, STU 015, 016, 017 (S1)(S2)(S3). (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8556 W of Potash Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF21308 Walk Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14711 West End Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8310 West of Rence Park Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF6946 West Stow Country Park (Med) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF30914 Whitton Church Lane Recreation Ground (Monument)
Monument Type MSF5605 Wick Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17485 Woolverstone Park (Rom) (Monument)