Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MSF14819 "Field F638 and F639" Waldringfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8096 A ditched field system, small square enclosure and possible crofts of possible medieval date are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, across C… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8235 A ditched trackway and field boundaries or enclosure of possible prehistoric date are visible in the grounds of Stutton Park, Stutton parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4115 A ditched trackway and rectilinear field or enclosure are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, to the north of Capel Farm in Trimley St Martin… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22535 A ditched trackway of possible later prehistoric date and an extensive field system of probable medieval or post-medieval date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3436 A ditched trackway, rectilinear field system and large D-shaped enclosure of unknown date can be seen on aerial photographs as cropmarks to the east … (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22637 A field system of probable medieval or post-medieval date can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, alongside possibly earlier elements, to the… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22657 A field system of probably medieval origin can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, to the west of Home Farm, St Mary & South Elmham parish. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8098 A field system, possible crofts and small ditched enclosures of unknown date can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, Trimley St… (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25453 A group of cropmarks showing former, mainly strip type, field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12146 A group of linear ditches forming boundaries of a field system, apparently of more than one period. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3440 A possible field system and associated trackway of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the south of the railway in Stratton Hall parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8478 A possible field system and trackways of unknown date, Old Hall Hill, Shotley (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20028 A possible field system of unknown date is visible on aerial photographs in fields just to the north of Stratton Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4817 A possible field system or unknown date is visible on aerial photographs to the south of Whinnyfield Wood in Woolverstone parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18911 A possible fragmentary field system, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4820 A possible Iron Age or Roman field system is visible on aerial photographs in Woolverstone Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4734 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman enclosure and associated trackways and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8476 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackway to the north of Shotley village (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19928 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways to the north of Alderton's Grove, Shotley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14764 A possible linear trackway and field boundaries of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the north-west of Walk Farm in Stratton Hall par… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3573 A possible Prehistoric or Roman field system, west of Ferry Farm, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10737 A Post Medieval field system is visible on aerial photographs in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20456 A probable ditched field system and rectilinear enclosures are visible on aerial photographs suggested to be of Sutton parish to the west of Bromeswe… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3659 A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and associated trackways in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19942 A probable Post Medieval field system visible as cropmarks to the east of Red House Farm, Shotley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28788 A probable prehistoric field system at Solar Farm, Thetford Road, Fakenham Magna, EVAL (OAE) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22443 A rectilinear field system of possible later prehistoric or Roman date in Stratton Hall parish can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs . (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17278 A trackway and possible field boundaries of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the north of Morston Hall, Trimley St Martin parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23424 A11 dualling, zone A2 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23421 A11 dualling, zone Z2 & A2 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2993 Adjacent to Trimley St Mary 9 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17153 Aerial photograph showing series of ditch earthworks(?) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16906 Aerial photograph showing sunken earthworks in meadow, possible shrunken way and a group of four small enclosures to NW (S1). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8470 An extensive Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and possible settlement site, Shotley parish (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14712 Area of earthworks (mainly ditches) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF159 Area of Medieval banks and ditches probably relating to medieval settlement (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11131 Arrangement of small and large fields linked at E to similar system, Brundish 012, by curving ?trackway on N side, which follows the parish boundary. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18064 Back Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24435 Base Perimeter Road, RAF Mildenhall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11533 Baythorn Lodge (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1360 Benacre Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33593 Boundaries, tracks and possible cultivation marks of probably post medieval date on Iken Heath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26818 Brick kilns and wash pits at Wash Pits Field, Bardwell Road, Euston, Suffolk (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37654 Bronze Age cremations and later prehistoric and Saxon-Medieval activity at Fitzgerald Rd, Bramford (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37811 Bronze Age, Saxon-early medieval, and post medieval activity at Land off Loraine Way, Bramford (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4684 Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9464 Butley Abbey: Butley Priory (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3475 Byfords; Church Farm `Top' & `Bottom' (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23489 Canada (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27386 Capel Hall Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11893 Carr Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26736 Cedar's Park phase 4A (north East), Stowmarket, medieval (Med) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9839 Chalk Hill Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2851 Chippenhall Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2304 Church Walks; OS Field 0033 (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4325 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27237 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8237 Complex field system with a number of intersecting rectilinear field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8213 Complex field system with trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3425 Complex field system, consisting of 2 phases of trackway, ring ditches and numerous circular pits all of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17351 Complex of at least two phases of irregular field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16490 Complex of cropmarks of series of field boundaries and trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12290 Complex of ice-wedges and linear marks foring a field system, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11397 Complex of sinuous trackways and rectilinear field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3657 Complex of sinuous trackways and rectilinear field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3469 Complex rectilinear field system and ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5620 Complex rectilinear field system with many overlapping field boundaries and the suggestion of several rectangular fields. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18143 Concentration of burnt flint and excavated features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3133 Copy Low (1886 & 1904) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24833 Cowfen Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27662 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27736 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27744 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27747 Crop and soilmarks of post medieval to modern field boundaries and other features of uncertain significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25883 Crop marks showing a possible old field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3447 Cropmark complex based upon a curvilinear enclosure TYN 028 of a rough sub- square shape, circa 60m across, with entrance to S and having projecting … (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27326 Cropmark complex with enclosures, trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27476 Cropmark of a possible settlment site and rectilinear field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45681 Cropmark of ditched trackway and fields. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27328 Cropmark of field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34486 Cropmark of field boundaries of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17803 Cropmark of park(?) and field boundaries of at least two phases. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5082 Cropmark of possible long barrow (115 x 25 paces), W of Stratford Hall. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17277 Cropmark of possible trackway and field system seen on air photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17478 Cropmark of various field boundaries, enclosures and a trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27335 Cropmark of various field boundaries, enclosures and a trackway. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25454 Cropmarks strip fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25036 Cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27366 Cropmarks and soilmarks of a field system of unknown but possible Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27587 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27597 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27782 Cropmarks and soilmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27351 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of possible Roman to Post Medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27450 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of uncertain date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27574 Cropmarks and soilmarks of undated field boundaries and possible fragmentary enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27573 Cropmarks and soilmarks of undated field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16551 Cropmarks and various undated metal detector finds from area of large Rom settlement - see site reports for details (S1). (Un) (Confidential Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8231 Cropmarks for linear ditches, enclosures and trackway, Stutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15244 Cropmarks of undated field system and possible settlement site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4690 Cropmarks of a rectilinear field system with trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27200 Cropmarks of a field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27468 Cropmarks of a field system and a possible curvilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27333 Cropmarks of a field system and a rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27463 Cropmarks of a field system and associated trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27459 Cropmarks of a field system and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27469 Cropmarks of a field system and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27406 Cropmarks of a field system and series of ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15223 Cropmarks of a field system and settlement of probable prehistoric or Roman date, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27367 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27481 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3650 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of probable later prehistoric and/or Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27368 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of unknown but possible Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16613 Cropmarks of a field system(?) with a trackway leading to E. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27352 Cropmarks of a fragmentary field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27363 Cropmarks of a fragmented field system, ditches and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27319 Cropmarks of a large rectilinear enclosure, field system, trackway and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3477 Cropmarks of a major system of enclosures, trackways and boundary ditches of possible Roman or medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27429 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure with field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27341 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure, trackway and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27417 Cropmarks of a possible trackway and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27309 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27428 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure or field system, several field boundaries, trackways and enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27235 Cropmarks of a road and field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27355 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27407 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27412 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and a possible enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27354 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and a possible incomplete enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16612 Cropmarks of a series of small rectangular, shaped fields(?) in a line N of `The Norfolks' woodland (S1). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27386 Cropmarks of a series of strip fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27398 Cropmarks of a trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27364 Cropmarks of a trackway, field boundaries, and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11532 Cropmarks of a winding trackway and other features of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22116 Cropmarks of an enclosed settlement of probable Roman, or Iron Age to Roman, date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27267 Cropmarks of an enclosure and fields, possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27370 Cropmarks of an extensive complex system of fields... (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34712 Cropmarks of boundary ditches and fields of possible Iron Age to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24826 Cropmarks of D-Shaped enclosure and assiated field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34480 Cropmarks of ditches, field boundaries of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27796 Cropmarks of enclosures and fields of possible Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46568 Cropmarks of enclosures and fiels system of probable Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46599 Cropmarks of enclosures and trackways, N of Mill River (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27266 Cropmarks of enclosures, tracks and fields of later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27322 Cropmarks of extensive field boundaries, trackway and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27390 Cropmarks of extensive field systems (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27375 Cropmarks of extensive field systems, trackway and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27792 Cropmarks of faint linear ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27424 Cropmarks of field boundaries (and BACKLOG) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27517 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27306 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27435 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27436 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32154 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a possible trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27369 Cropmarks of field boundaries and an extractive pit (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33468 Cropmarks of field boundaries and possible enclosures of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27658 Cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27353 Cropmarks of field boundaries or a possible incomplete enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27384 Cropmarks of field boundaries, a rectilinear enclosure, and possible trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27523 Cropmarks of field boundaries/trackways and enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27725 Cropmarks of field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17693 Cropmarks of field system and possible trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27307 Cropmarks of field system with a series of pits (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2707 Cropmarks of field system, or possible settlement (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27371 Cropmarks of field systems and a trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27380 Cropmarks of former field boundaries and a possible wood boundary (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33481 Cropmarks of fragmentary and multi-phase fields and enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27374 Cropmarks of fragmented field boundaries, short ditches and possible trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11398 Cropmarks of irregular linear features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27305 Cropmarks of large coaxial field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27275 Cropmarks of later prehistoric or Roman field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27565 Cropmarks of linear ditches and possible enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27564 Cropmarks of linear ditches and possible trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12113 Cropmarks of linear ditches comprising field boundaries, some of which align with surviving hedge boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27261 Cropmarks of multi-period field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27370 Cropmarks of multi-phase field system, enclosures and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34487 Cropmarks of multiphase ditches and former field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2778 Cropmarks of multiphase enclosures, fields and boundaries of potential later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33467 Cropmarks of multiphase field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3656 Cropmarks of part of field system RMS 006 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31795 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31796 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32158 Cropmarks of possible field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27673 Cropmarks of possible Iron Age to Roman or medieval date fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27319 Cropmarks of possible prehistoric enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34708 Cropmarks of possible rectilinear enclosures and/or fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF38087 Cropmarks of rectilinear ditch systems, trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27434 Cropmarks of several field boundaries, trackways and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27471 Cropmarks of two distinct field systems (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2760 Cropmarks of two phases of trackways, enclosures and fields of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4001 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27575 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27576 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27522 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries/trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27528 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27529 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27260 Cropmarks of undated, but probably medieval to post medieval fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17167 Cropmarks of wide droveway(?), widening/splaying to E, and adjoining group of small fields/stock enclosures S of drove at W end. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37373 Cropmarks relating to Iron Age and Roman enclosures, field boundaries and trackways excavated under ELV 085, ELV 086 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22638 Cropmarks seen on aerial photographs reveal the remains of field boundaries, a possible trackway and a ring ditch of probable prehistoric date, Weybr… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8152 Curvilinear field bouundary with several lengths of ditch, suggesting parts of 2 narrow rectangular fields, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8236 Curving trackway with a number of field boundaries to the E. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3829 Decoy Wood (E of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4659 Ditch systems, mainly rectangular, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22652 Ditched boundaries of a possible Medieval field system and crofts, visible as faint cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22653 Ditched boundaries of a possible Medieval field system, visible as faint cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22566 Ditched field system and associated tracks and enclosures, visible as extensive but fragmentary cropmarks, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22558 Ditched field systems of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4544 Double ditch and traces of fields. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21427 Drove road and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12110 Duntons Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12149 Duntons Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8557 E of Freston Lodge (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35351 Early Bronze Age pits and Roman ditches, Days Road, Capel St Mary (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19679 Early field system and trackways indicated by cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27591 Earthwork ditches and banks of possible deserted medieval village (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27273 Earthworks of a field system and an extractive pit (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33478 Earthworks of a field system of possible medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF44462 Earthworks of Enclosures and trackways, N of River Stour, S of Tendring Hall Farm. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF44932 Earthworks of pre-Modern field sustems, Crofts and Tofts, Knettishall Heath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37205 Earthworks, soilmarks and cropmarks of possible settlement from the Roman, Saxon and medieval periods (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45799 Eathworks of enclosures and relict field systems in Lawn Wood (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5096 Enclosures and ditches of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17480 Enclosures of unkown date and function, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19098 Euston-Brettenham Pipeline (Rom) (BACKLOG) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14950 Evans Barn (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27323 Extensive area of coaxial and rectilinear field systems, trackways and enclosures of unknown, but feasibly Roman date (and BACKLOG) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5069 Extensive cropmark pattern of ditches etc, cut by "Dead Lane". (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2531 Extensive cropmark site. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27320 Extensive cropmarks of various features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3773 Extensive ditched field system of probable later Prehistoric or Roman date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22542 Extensive Medieval ditched field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17775 Field boundaries and footpaths of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5956 Field boundaries and rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20352 Field boundaries and trackways of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19941 Field boundaries of unknown date visible as cropmarks in fields to the north of Church End, Shotley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18688 Field boundaries of unknown date, visibible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13993 Field boundaries or enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17894 Field boundary comples of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8258 Field system and ? trackway circa 30m wide traversing TAT 007 and TAT 009 and surrounding TAT 008 and 010 (S1)(S2). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21494 Field system and double-ditched trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16864 Field system and possible rectangular enclosure of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5653 Field system and rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3578 Field system and ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8570 Field system and ring ditches, unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4661 Field system and track of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3468 Field system and trackway complex. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10801 Field system and trackway of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2992 Field system including a number of rectangular field boundaries, Cowpasture Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5686 Field system including rectilinear ditches of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8095 Field system including trackways and rectilinear field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4658 Field system of linear ditches and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3463 Field system of rectilinear form of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27454 Field system of regular and geometric plan. These ... (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8318 Field system of unknown date, adjacent to HRK 008. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21428 Field system of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21493 Field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3451 Field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3785 Field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5604 Field system with curving trackway. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5593 Field system with evidence of rectilinear field boundaries and a SW-NE trackway, enclosing ring ditch SBN 039 (S1-S3). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8569 Field system with rectilinear field boundaries and evidence of several trackways, unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5937 Field system with rectilinear field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8571 Field system, boundaries and ditches, unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3077 Field system, probably Med/PMed. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8234 Field system, somewhat fragmentary, in the vicinity of Holly Farm; including a length of trackway (approximately N-S) which turns E at its S end, and… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3761 Field system, trackway and possible ditched square enclosure of Prehistoric or Roman date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3752 Field system/ seires of enclosures of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20346 Field systems and trackways of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1786 Field systems of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6058 Field systems, mostly recent. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19243 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19244 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19248 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19251 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16865 Former field system associated with partial rectangular underground drainage of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34651 Fragmentary and dispersed multi-period cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31585 Fragmentary cropmarks of possible late prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20142 Fragments of a Post Medieval field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29368 Gainsborough Sports and Community Centre, Braziers Wood Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21942 Gallows Hill, undated (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27527 Grassmarks of linear ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3401 Group of round barrows, Sutton Hoo; Sutton Mounts (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12192 Groups of inter-related, curvilinear ditches of uknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2128 Grove Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19622 Grundisburgh Hall Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14622 Hemingstone Hut (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24506 Herringswell Field System (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24507 Herringswell Field System (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15177 Hill Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9812 Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19680 Hogg Earthworks; Sutton Hoo (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2672 Hollesley Bay Colony, Cropmarks (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF20663 Ickworth Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7330 Indistinct cropmarks of possible field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18855 inear features, possibly a fragmentary field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8097 Interconnecting ditched tracks of unknown date are visible as cropmarks on Trimley Heath to the north of the A14 in Trimley St Martin parish, partial… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46662 Iron Age and Roman activity at Eye Airfield Progress Power site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45607 Iron Age trackway and features, and other prehistoric features, Eye Airfield Parcel 13A, (OAE) EVAL EXC (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4309 Irregularly shaped ditched enclosure and possible associated field system of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10200 Isolation hospital (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26882 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Fields 26, medieval field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3784 Kirton Hall (NW of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3782 Kirton Lodge (W of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5249 L shaped cropmark (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28309 Land at Ullswater Road, Campsea Ash, (Prehistoric-Roman). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25574 Land East of Days Road, Capel St. Mary, Roman (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26554 Land off Felixtowe Road, Foxhall, Suffolk (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF38998 Land south of Gipping Road, Stowupland (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25121 Land South of railway line, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10781 Large & complex system of fields and trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34742 Large and multi-phase area of field system, trackways and enclosures of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27288 Large field system of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31388 Late Bronze Age and Roman Field Systems, Hill Farm, Baylham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42932 Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age field system, Land off Chapel Lane, (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30288 Late Bronze Age, Iron Age and Medieval features at Loudham Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27867 Late Iron Age to Roman field system and Bronze Age ring ditch at Foxburrow Farm. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37843 Late Neolithic to Possible Medieval features at Barham Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF38360 Later prehistoric and post-medieval activity at Land Adjacent To 96 Stowmarket Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33871 Later prehistoric field system and Medieval field system, Land East of the Street, Bramford (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35062 Later prehistoric field system at Ipswich Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42478 Later Prehistoric or Roman occupation, Holywell Drove (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28812 Later prehistoric, Roman and undated ditches at Mills Meadow Residential Home (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26510 Laxfield Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26514 Layham Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3828 Levington Hall (N of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3827 Levington Heath (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27579 Linear cropmark system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1884 Linear cropmarks of a rectilinear field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3687 Linear cropmarks, trackways, possible field system/rectangular enclosures. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11915 Linear ditches of unknown date, possibly a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12302 Linear ditches outlining a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21040 Linear field boundaries, Portway Heave (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27556 Linear field systems and possible irregular enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22653 Lodge Close Field; Church Field; Ickworth Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22660 Long Grove Field; Ickworth Green & surrounding fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21496 Long narrow field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF40418 Medieval activity at Stowupland School, Church Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28057 Medieval agricultural remains (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22698 Medieval building platform and strip-field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46663 Medieval ditches and pits and Post medieval field systems and ditches at Westerfield Road, Ipswich (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42582 Medieval field system, near Grundisburgh (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22586 Medieval or Post Medieval field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14750 Methersgate (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF20606 Moat Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19578 Monk Soham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5095 Mostly rectilinear field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34342 Multi period site: Land on south side of Bull Lane, Long Melford (CGMs) GEO EVAL (OAE) EXC (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27259 Multi-period field system cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27795 Multi-period field systems, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34540 Multi-phase and fragmentary cropmark field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35613 Multi-phase, late prehistoric, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon activity, East Anglia One Area 37 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27289 Multiphase cropmarks of enclosures, fields and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27362 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27363 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26868 Mushroom Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10423 Near Smallbridge Hall, Nayland with Wissington (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5591 Nether Hall Farm (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27379 North of Candlet Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21986 Norton Road (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF282 OS Field Number 7000 (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37336 OUTLINE RECORD: Land NW of Haverhill (OAE) EXC (Allocated Number) |
Monument Type |
MSF28769 OUTLINE RECORD: Land West of Ferry Road, Felixstowe (PCA) EVL (ASE) EXC (Allocated Number) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27431 Pages Common Field (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4827 Pages Common Field (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5331 Parallel ditch system on the east side of the railway, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16787 Part of a field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3934 Part of enclosure with rounded corner - suggested Rom marching camp - obscured by linear field system (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1911 Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8485 Perity (field name) (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28766 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29205 Possible Bronze Age barrows and earlier field field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33597 Possible cultivation plots on Iken Heath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10211 Possible droveway NW of Green Farm running SE-NW and series of field boundaries in 2 fields to W and field to SW of Green Farm. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11916 Possible field boundaries and trackways of probable prehistoric date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2083 Possible field system and enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4832 Possible field system and trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18733 Possible field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18732 Possible field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23090 Possible field system on Upper Hollesley Common (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23089 Possible field system on Upper Hollesley Common / Sutton Common (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18941 Possible fragmentary field system of unknwn date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1088 Possible Iron Age or Roman field system, originally thought to be a cropmark of a small rectangular enclosure, suggested as a possible … (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14751 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14818 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Waldringfield parish. Related ditches seen during monitoring in 1999. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4823 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field systems, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12288 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman trackways and field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33639 Possible medieval common edge settlement (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1485 Possible rectangular enclosure and rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27815 Possible rectangular enclosure and rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1314 Possible rectilinear enclosures and linear features, visible as cropmarks, probably a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4175 Possible roadway, fields, small enclosures. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37380 Possible Roman or medieval to post medieval boundaries and fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27651 Possible Romano-British field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27652 Possible Romano-British field system and enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37151 Possible small Roman farmstead and post-medieval field system, New Processing Plant Eye Airfield (COT) EXC (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3765 Possible trackways, field boundaries and ring ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF41274 Possible undated Enclosures and possible field system at Mildenhall Hub, West Row Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24405 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20407 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14100 Post medieval field boundaries, visible on 1st edition Ordnance Survey map. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9370 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22543 Post Medieval pattern of field boundaries and rectangular enclosures, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32319 Post-medieval Field Systems, Hill Farm, Baylham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37525 Post-medieval recitlinear ditch system, Land west of London Road , Beccles (HEAD) GEO (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19780 Pre-1800 maps of (parts) Wetherden (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22922 Prehistoric activity at Ingham Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3771 Prehistoric field system, enclosures and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3453 Prehistoric field system, house, pit, hut circle, round house, square enclosure, builidng (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2754 Prehistoric or Roman cropmark settlement site consisting of enclosures and trackways. (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12194 Prehistoric or Roman Ditched trackway and field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13997 Prehistoric or Roman field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2282 Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear enclosure and associated field system, Nacton Road Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19567 Probable field systems and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10782 Probable Iron Age or Roman settlement, north-east of Sutton Hall, Sutton parish. (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3626 Probable Iron-Age and Roman settlement and field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22643 Probable Medieval moated site and possible associated settlement or field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15363 Probable modern drains that have been previously described as field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20384 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3787 Probable Prehistoric ditched field system or settlement, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3627 Probable Prehistoric or Roman field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16819 RAF Lakenheath; New Dental Clinic; Oxford Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25165 RAF Mildenhall, Washington Square, Mildenhall. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24021 Ravenswood, Former Ipswich Airfield; Nacton Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2433 Rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4058 Rectangular enclosure within Med or later field system (S1). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2848 Rectangular enclosure, unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13629 Rectangular field boundaries or field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1763 Rectilinear cropmark system, possibly related to LUD 006 (CRN ) to which it is adjacent. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4542 Rectilinear ditch system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5051 Rectilinear ditch systems, trackways and a ring ditch of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3464 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5052 Rectilinear enclosure or field system of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23604 Rectilinear field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4686 Rectilinear field system (S1) with possible rectilinear enclosure at N end (S2). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5622 Rectilinear field system consisting of a number of scattered field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8562 Rectilinear field system including rectangualr field with central longitudinal division, unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4809 Rectilinear field system of unknown date, associated with a group of 3 ring ditches. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8150 Rectilinear field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9872 Rectilinear field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3713 Rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4816 Rectilinear field system to NW of ring ditch WLV 002. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5085 Rectilinear field system, cut through by ? modern feature, SSM 017 (S1-S4). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5621 Rectilinear field system, suggesting some rectangular fields, as well as other field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1785 Rectilinear field system, trackway and possible ring ditch of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17947 Rectilinear pattern of ditches overlying(?) ring ditches and henge (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5775 Rectilinear systems (S1). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19122 Red Hill Road/Lady Lane (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3465 Regular and geometric field system of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10224 Remains of ? field boundary ditches from rectilinear field system, trackway and two adjoining rectangular ? Enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8323 Remains of 2 possible ditched field systems of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3768 Remains of field systems, trackways and enclosures, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33984 Remains of Late Bronze Age to predominantly Middle Iron Age agricultural activity, Land at Great Wilsey Park (MOLAN) EVAL (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3695 Remains of rectilinear field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27447 Remains of rectilinear field boundaries. These are... (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19946 Remnants of a possible field system and trackways of unknown date visible as cropmarks in Shotley parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20259 Remnants of a possible Post-medieval field system visible from aerial photographs (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20403 Remnants of a possible Prehistoric or Roman field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20095 Remnants of field systems of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20387 Remnants of Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3767 Ring ditch and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17069 Ring ditch complex within traces of field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3772 Ring ditch or oval enclosure of unkown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31504 Ring ditch, IA enclosure, prehistoric pits and Roman field system at Loraine Way, Bramford (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3078 Roadway and field system, no traces on ground (R1). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34465 Roman agricultural activity and possible medieval farmstead, Land to the West of Stowmarket Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35267 Roman and Saxon/Medieval activity, Elmswell Site 2 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8559 Roman field boundary/system and trackway to indicate remnants of a field system (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19105 Roman trackway and field system, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30037 Romano-British field system and Saxon activity, Woods Lane, Melton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2751 Scheduled cropmark settlement site of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17374 Series of field boundaries and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8588 Series of field boundaries and trackways including long curving feature and ring ditches, SLY 022, 026 and 027 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16871 Seven Acre Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8214 Several field boundaries, including one long, curving ditch running approximately W-E, and some straight and rectilinear boundaries, randomly sited (… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8333 Shadowbarn Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15222 Short length of trackway of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16186 Shrubland Quarry phases 2 & 3; Smyes Corner (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27638 Site of enclosures, fields and trackways of potential Roman to medieval-post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27639 Site of fields of predominantly medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33436 Site of fragmentary cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27369 Site of fragmentary field system cropmarks of uncertain date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33621 Site of fragmentary linear ditches relating to a possible undated field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31847 Site of multi-phase cropmarks, possibly including settlement of Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2673 Site of multi-phase settlement and enclosures, including Saxon sunken-featured buildings (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27584 Site of multiphase fragmentary enclosures, field boundaries and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27230 Site of possible fragments of field systems of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32044 Site of possible post medieval field system and undated linear cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34693 Site of possible settlement, trackways and field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31617 Site of possible undated field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34378 Site of probable undated field system cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31767 Site of undated field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34702 Site of undated linear cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34639 Site of undated, multi-phase field system, trackways and possible enclosures, most of probably Bronze Age to Roman period date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34743 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric and/or Roman period field system, and possible enclosures and roundhouse. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34701 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric, field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2906 Small enclosures and fields of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45715 Small field system of uncertain date was seen as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF965 Small rectangular enclosures and field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7093 Small rectangular field system and trackways of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1783 Small rectilinear field system and possible enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF952 Small sub-square enclosure of unknown date within a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27620 Soilmarks and cropmarks of field boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14099 Soilmarks of possible field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8298 South West Rence Park Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1089 Square enclosure, possible ploughed moat, with small rectilinear field system shown on SAU APs 1975 (S2). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45804 Subtle earthworks of relict field systems in woodland, The Plantation, Ousden (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45726 Subtle earthworks of strip field cultivation, N of Brookes Corner (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45753 Subtle earthworks of water management and land divisision of probable Medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13064 Sudbourne Marshes; Town Marshes (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11887 Sutton Hoo (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27453 System of field boundaries, some forming a rectilinear pattern, also a ring ditch. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3708 System of field boundaries, some forming a rectilinear pattern, also a ring ditch. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10760 System of small fields of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8216 Tattingstone Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14634 The Albany, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8513). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20354 The earthworks of a field system of medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20256 The remains of a Post Medieval field system are visible on aerial photographs of Woolverstone parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11874 Traces of an extensive Medieval strip field system, visible in light snow cover. (Med) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9997 Traces of field systems of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24483 Trackway and Field System, Ashby (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27814 Trackway and Field System, Ashby (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3825 Trackway and possible field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15185 Trackway linked to a small rectangular enclosure and ring ditch, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3789 Trackway of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23028 Trackway, enclosure and field systems (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3448 TraField system with possible trackways and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2999 Two Bronze-Age ring ditches, visible as cropmarks close to fragmentary cropmarks of a possible ditched field boundary. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22652 Two probable parallel field boundaries within an existing larger field of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4176 Two rectangular enclosures, possible moat to S, pre-airfield field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32018 Undated cropmark ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2800 Undated ditched trackway and possible field system, Ramsholt parish (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31994 Undated former earthworks of possible field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27726 Undated fragmentary cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34356 Undated linear cropmark ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27710 Undated linear cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33626 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33627 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33646 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33648 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33649 Undated linear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries and/or drainage ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33629 Undated linear cropmarks; some possible field boundaries and a possible trackway. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33630 Undated linear cropmarks; some possible field boundaries and a possible trackway. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34347 Undated linear ditches, possible trackways and enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33644 Undated linear soilmarks; probable post medieval drainage ditches. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32034 Undated possible enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32032 Undated possible field boundaries and/or trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17529 Unknown Trackway with associated adjoining field boundaries of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21048 Valley Farm (Med) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1394 Valley Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8229 Various linear field boundaries and lengths of trackway transecting the three ring ditches, STU 015, 016, 017 (S1)(S2)(S3). (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8556 W of Potash Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21308 Walk Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14711 West End Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8310 West of Rence Park Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6946 West Stow Country Park (Med) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30914 Whitton Church Lane Recreation Ground (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5605 Wick Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17485 Woolverstone Park (Rom) (Monument) |